
San Jose Farm

Arovor: San Jose
 Roaster: Soichiro Kaji Arovor Coffee
 Roasting Degree: Cinamon - City (?)
 Area of production:
    Dipilito, Departamento de Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua

Sweetness/Flavor 3.5, Sourness/Richiness 3 (in 5 level chart)

【Roaster's Comment】
Silky chocolate like sweetness together with touch of flowery fragrance and sourness. (From AROVOR website)

Pouring hot water, ground coffee beans grew with foam like a mushroom. Aroma was rather bitter for cinnamon roast, but first tone hit my sense was bitterness. Although the tastes chart grade sourness lower, I taste strong sourness as base tone. I tried a café press as well, but my impression was sour and light taste.  

My preference is dark and strong coffee, so maybe roast level was weaker. Lighter roast level, such as cinnamon roast, enables us to taste “beans” rather than roast, so I assume touch of sweetness will come if they are roasted a little darker.

Arovor is a coined word consisting of Flavor and Aroma, according to the web.  As they said, freshly roasted beans entertained me more than anything when the bag was opened. 

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