
Typica Full-matured

Name: Typica Full-matured
Roaster: Home roast
Roasting degree: High
Area: Pluma Hidalgo, Estado de Oaxaca, MEXCO
Variety:  Typica
Grade: SHG
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,200 - 1,500m
Defect: N/A
Processing Method: Fully washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 5
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 2      
※Grade 1 to 5 
Light body, light citric aroma, soothing, mild texture, deeply sweet flavor, clear, high in acidity, fruity citrus, grapefruits or blood oranges, mellow sweetness, sheer bitterness with short sweetness to finish, mellow sweetness with a sheer bitterness as a long lasting after taste.
Mild coffee fits anytime of the day and anytime of a year.  Recommended as Black, may fit with someone prefer light flavored coffee.  

This rot is explained as Wild Grown typica which left on the tree until berries matured fully until they turn into wine like dark red color. Then, the berries are picked by hands.  This typica is characterized by mellow sweetness and mild mouth-feel; deeply comforting flavor.  High or cinnamon roast may improve flavor character of this coffee for pour-over style.    


valkyrie blend

Beans: Valkyrie Blend
 ※Blend of 50% Sumatra, 25% Ethiopian Harrar, 
     and 25% French Roast. 

Roaster: Valhalla Coffee Co.
Roasting Degree: City to Italian
Origin/Area: N/A
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: N/A
Variety: N/A
Process: N/A

Medium to medium dark, savory aroma, dark chocolate, mellow roasted nuts like aroma as a base note, followed by herbal, a touch of high tone citrus peels as a top note, light touch, juicy mouth feel, fresh plum like flavor over taken by tangy bitterness, smokey, lemony acidity, lime, cinnamon, a touch of natural but thick sweetness hidden, prune, dates sugar, a smorky bitterness and tangy-ness as a long lasting after taste.
Overall, very interesting and unique flavor as beans do.  Flavor significantly changes not only by the brewer but also by time to time.  It is difficult to describe a profile of this blend and may need more time to repeat try and error.



Beans: Paraka
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting Degree: City
Origin/Area: Mt. Hagen, Papua New Guinea
Grade: Prantation A
Screen: 17
Defect: None
Altitude: over 1,500m
Variety: Typica, Burbon
Process: Free Wahsed
Crop: 2009.

Mild, Medium ~ semi-dark body, well-balanced, round flavor.  Summer tangerine like light, juicy, refreshing acidity with settled, well-harmonized sweet-bitterness, thin, smooth texture.
Well harmonized combination of bitterness and sourness, but not either of them: bitterness and sourness are evenly set on the base of light sweetness, fruity aroma like mango, a little bitter aftertaste. 
Different sensations of sourness and bitterness are intertwined to create deep and rich flavor of this coffee.

Papua New Guinea, Independen Stet bilong Papua Niugini, is located in the South of the equator and the North of Australia, consisted of over 300 islands over coral reef in South pacific.  Coffee is cultivated mainly Western Highlands Province called Mt. Hagen, Golocka, Wau, Bantz area, the area where were blessed with volcanic ash soil, stable weather, and stable rainfall throughout a year. 
We are happy to introduce "PARAKA", the high quality beans from this area. 

★Note 2★
Originally written in 2011, this cupping post was hidden and slipped in other articles.  I happened to find this so decided to bring it to the life.


Finca Las Golondrinas

Name: Finca Las Golondrinas
Roaster: Home roast
Roasting degree: City
Area: Mosonte, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Variety:  Villa Sarchi, Catura
Grade: SGH
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,400 - 1,700m
Defect: N/A
Processing Method: Fully washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 5
Sweetness: 5
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3    
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium dark, mellow, highly aromatic, cacao, coconut sugar, roasted pecan, rolled oats, Hazel nuts, silky, well-balanced sweetness and bitterness, coconuts sugar, molasses, unrefined cane sugar, vanilla, cacao nib, roasted almond, light touch of acidity, lime, blood orange, black berry, dark chocolate like bitterness with almond essence sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste. 

Since 1974, this coffee farm has carried the dream of Peralta Family.  Finca Las Golondrinas won the first place in Nicaraguan SOE in 2007 and bit on the highest price, 47.06 at that time.  They grow very rare variety: Villa Sarchi.  Rarely grown in Nicaragua, Villa Sarchi is a natural hybrid of Burbon variety, which has low level of disease resistance but high yieldability.  This Burbon hybrid often explain as Orange, clean flavor, which strongly depends on and varies by the country/soil they are grown.