
Mandheling Hard

Name:  Mandheling
Roaster: Koruri Coffee
Roast degree: Medium-dark
Area: Sumatra Lington, Indonesia
Variety:  Arabica 100%
Grade: G1
Processing: semi-washed

【Roaster's Comments】
This Mandheling is often referred to as Oriental Mocha because of its rich aroma. 
In Indonesia, Arabica varietal is only cultivated in some specific regions.  Among them, Lington Mandheling, large and longer beans, has high quality of bitterness and rich flavor, which has unique flavor to fascinate coffee funs.
With Medium-dark roast, this beans has nutty bitterish flavor with clear bitterness,

Light to Medium body, bright acidity with airy texture.  Floral and fruity aroma like orange flower, with well-balanced acidity and bitterness.  Mixture of high tone acidity, rose hip with lime, and earthy bitterness, 100% cacao dark chocolate, with sheer sweetness underneath, total flavor balance like green-raisins .  After taste: clear lemony acidity with long-lasting bitterness.

Here is the same beans with different roasting degree. ⇒ 



Name:  Mandheling
Roaster: Koruri Coffee
Roast degree: Medium-dark
Area: Sumatra Lington, Indonesia
Variety:  Arabica 100%
Grade: G1
Processing: semi-washed

【Roaster's Comment】
This Mandheling is often referred to as Oriental Mocha because of its rich aroma. 
In Indonesia, Arabica varietal is only cultivated in some specific regions.  Among them, Lington Mandheling, large and longer beans, has high quality of bitterness and rich flavor, which has unique flavor to fascinate coffee funs.
With Medium roast, light touch, clear flavor with strong body.  Buttery aroma comes up when they are ground to a powder.

 Medium Body, fruity aroma, Clear and sharp flavor with a tint of bitterness as aftertaste.  Well harmonized acidity and bitterness, moderate acidity and layered bitterness creates soothing flavor.  Blackberry like acidity and sweetness mixed with nutty, almond like, flavor.
Good for an afternoon cup on fine day in Fall, with a little summery heat left.

This beans is also offered with roasting variations:
Medium and Medium-Dark.

Check here for Medium-Dark, Mandheling Hard  ⇒


Roasting Variation ~ Costa Rica ~

Variation of roasting degrees!
Some beans have a wide range in the best roasting degrees, which adds essence of entertainment in roasting/brewing process.  Certainly origins of beans strongly characterizes flavor of cups: however, roasting degrees, means roasters techniques, has strong impacts on the flavor.  In other words, “Roasting
technique/degrees grab the key of flavor, and have power to settle evaluation of coffee beans.” 
Left: French / Right:Medium
Here is experiment done with Costa Rica, Honey Typica.  This Costa Rican coffee is processed rare varietal, original Typica with the Honey Process Method.  The Honey Process, variety of the pulped-natural process, is categorized as the Dry-Process, also called Natural process.  In the dry-process, the coffee cherries are simply laid out on a patio to dry, and the Honey method basically follows that except handling of cherry skin.  With the Honey method, skin of the fruit is first removed, leaving the mucilage (inner fruit) around the bean, and then is laid out on a patio to dry.  The bean then absorbs some of the starches during the drying process.  This method results in more body and sweetness with flavor.

Back on track: Here are two varieties of roasting degrees: Medium and French.  Character of Honey typica is well balanced lemony acidity and bitterness on top of deep sweetness, and soothing flavor.  This basic character is the core of this Costa Rican coffee stays, referring my coffee journey so far, but degree of each flavor, such as acidity, bitterness and so on, varies by roasting depth and will change total impression of flavor.  Cited below are characters’ notes of each roast by the roaster, followed by my impressions.

French Roast
【Roaster's CommentsRoasted deeply, this is characterized dark chocolaty bitterness and sweetness, free from charcoal like bitterness.  Brewed darker, espresso, or café au lait bring more sweetness in flavor.

 Full ~ Medium Dark body, light smooth texture.  Soothing bitterness with pineapple like sourness and acidity, well harmonized flavor mixed with cacao beans, light cool aftertaste.  Deep sweetness is main character of this cup together with light and comfortable acidity.  Unlike aroma and visual impressions, taste of this coffee is characterized mild, light, soothing without charcoal like dark bitterness.  Acidity varies with temperature; raspberry like acidity fades out and slides underneath of sweetness.

Medium Roast

Roaster's CommentsRoasted to medium until sweet aroma stood up.  Roasted beans color reddish brown, which prove a high sugar content.   Soothing mild acidity bestows emphasis on sweetness.  Characterized Mild flavor with moderate richness, fruity sweetness stands out once a cup gets cold.

【Impression】Medium mild body, smooth light texture.  Floral aroma like honeysuckels, papaya like sweetness with bright and sweet acidity, nutty flavor with a tinght of bitterness.  Good for summer morning cup, soothing and refreshing even good for iced coffee.  Recommended black with maple nuts, or something simple and naturally sweetened with maple syrup.

  Over all, Costa Rica is one of my favorite coffee origin, well balanced acidity and sweetness with clear aftertaste.  This Honey Typical is characterized by a bright and sweet acidity, as shown in name, and has honey notes like Honeysuckles during the summer: also has a hint of tropical fruit, papaya, and an enticing butter aroma. 
  Both roasting degrees save main character of Honey Typica in different balance but well harmonized flavor.  Sweetness detected differently, so as acidity.  With Medium roast, tropical fruit like acidity stood on top of sweetness and stays in aftertaste.  The flavor certainly well harmonized but each flavor, sweetness, bitterness and acidity, settled alone to be identified.  With French roast, acidity is blended in sweetness, just like dark chocolate and can be detected with vague borders of flavors.  Both are characterized soothing and clear aftertaste, but depth of sweetness differs.
  My preference in Summer morning will be Medium, paired with a piece of toast or maybe croissants.  In afternoon or evening, French roast will suite a good almond flavored sweets, like financier.


Costa Rica Honey typica: French Roast

Beans: Costa Rica Honey typica
Roasting degree: French Roast
Roaster: Koruri Coffee
Area of production:  Tarrazu,
             Santa Cruz de Leon Cortes Micro-region, Costa Rica
             (Beneficio Ecologico Puente Tarrazu)
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Altitude: ranges around 1,500 ~ 1,700m
Defects: N/A
Processing: Honey: Pulped Natural,
Variety: Typica
Yr of cultivation: 2009/2010.

※ Beneficio Ecologico Puente Tarrazu is a coop mill of 12 small producers/farmers including 2008 COE winning farms and offers Caturra and Typica varietals.

Global wise, Costa Rica is a small country producing coffee beans but blessed with idealistic environments, such as soil, altitude, rainfall, temperature. Since the majority of Costa Rican coffee beans are produced by micro- farmers, the total annual production remains small.  However, these micro-famers are taking efforts in developing quality to produce high grade coffee beans, so called specialty coffee, in addition to developing whole process of processing, milling.
Puente Tarrazu mill, Beneficio Ecologico Puente Tarrazu, is one of those micro-mills, which processes original Typica varietal with Pulped natural method, especially called Honey method.

Full ~ Medium Dark body, light smooth texture.  Soothing bitterness with pineapple like sourness and acidity, well harmonized flavor mixed with cacao beans, light cool aftertaste.  Deep sweetness is main character of this cup together with light and comfortable acidity.  Unlike aroma and visual impressions, taste of this coffee is characterized mild, light, soothing without charcoal like dark bitterness.  Acidity varies with temperature; raspberry like acidity fades out and slides underneath of sweetness.       

This beans is offered with 2 level of roasting degrees, French and Medium.  For medium