
Kinden Estate

Beans: Kinden Estate
Roaster: Namamame Hompo
Roasting Degree: Full City
Origin/Area: Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
Grade: AA
Screen: SC18
Defect: ~10
Altitude: 1,550m~
Variety: Typica, Under 10% Catimor
Process: Washed, Sun-dried

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 4     
※Grade 1 to 5

Dark, mellow cacao aroma, Criollo varietal, orange, satsuma mandarin, a touch of caramel, clear, juicy, light texture, high tone acidity, fruity, lemony, citric, apple vinegar, coconuts sugar, american cherry, peach, plum, a touch of nutty sweetness, almonds, sheer tangy bitterness, fruity soothing-ness as a long lasting aftertaste.  

Established in 1965, Kinden Estate produce 1,000t per year in maximum.  Well known New Guinean coffee, such as Arona or Sigri, has moderate acidity and rich flavor, which distinguishes it from Indonesian.  Much of Papua New Guinean coffee is grown in the mountain highlands and on small plantations, but Kinden is one of exception in size.  Regarding processing, Kinden is well equipped and managed to produce more consistent/clean coffee.


Cuba TL

Beans: Cuba TL
Roaster: Home roasting
Roasting Degree: Medium
Origin/Area: Cuba
Grade: TL
Screen: SC17
Defect: ~19
Altitude: N/A
Variety: N/A
Process: Free washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 3
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 2
Richness: 2     
※Grade 1 to 5
Light to medium, mellow sweet aroma, roasted almonds, hazel nuts, cashews, roasted almond butter, touch of caramel, sheer peach, extremely mild, clear, clean, fruity, well balanced sweetness and bitterness, light texture, unique fruity-ness, raw almonds, orange, high tone citric acidity, sheer but high lemony flavor, lime, mayer lemon, white grape fruits, fruity sweetness, plum, white grape, granny smith, brief fruit acidity followed by fruity sweetness as an aftertaste.  

Fruity Cuban beans deliver light Caribbean flavor.  TL is third in Cuban grading system: Crystal mountain SC19, ELT SC18, TL SC17.  Compared to Crystal mountain, TL may look smaller but flavor does not follow.  Considering the price, TL will make one of the best choice for "american" type of light texture coffee.  Although Crystal mountain has been one of my morning choices, TL has high capability to replace the position.


Finca Cadejo ~ National Winner

Beans: Finca Cadejo
Roaster: Home roasting 
Roasting Degree: City
Origin/Area: Departamento de Sacatepéquez, Guatemala
Grade: SHB
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,500~1,700m
Variety: Burbon, Caturra
Process: Free washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3     
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium dark, mellow sweet aroma, smokey, Japanese Kinako, roasted bean powder, roasted black beans, coconuts sugar, papaya, mango, dried figs, light touch of hickory, rich, clear, well-matured, fruity acidity, pink grapefruit, orange, milky but clear sweetness, cream, rich butter, fresh beans powder, sharp, clear, a touch of cinnamon, soothing and clear bitterness as a brief lasting aftertaste.    

Finca Cadejo is located right next to Finca Cabrejo, one of COE winning farm in Guatemalan program.  Cadejo produces highly established flavor with well-balanced acidity and sweetness, much different character from Cabrejo.