
La Laguna

Beans: La Laguna
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting Degree: Full city
Origin/Area:  Dipilto, Ocotal, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Grade: SHB
Screen: 16 - 19
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,100 ~ 1,350m
Variety: Caturra
Process: Wet-Process, Dried on African bed
※ Rain-forest Alliance Certified

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 3
Acidity: 2
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 2     
※Grade 1 to 5

Medium, fruity aroma, high, fresh strawberry, lightly citric, blood orange peel, brown sugar, vanilla, a touch of cardamon, light texture, medium body, dry, mellow flavor, juicy, clear, roasted black beans, lightly tangy, FORASTERO cacao, cacao nib, low malic acidity, fresh cane juice, savory sweetness, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, almonds, peanuts paste, clear, a light tangy dry bitterness and brown sugar like sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.  

Finca La Laguna is operated by producer Luis Emilio Valladarez, who also operates well known coffee farm “Finca Buenos Aires”.  Situated at over 1100m in Diplito, Finca La Laguna grows only Caturra variety with natural tree-shade and ideal microclimates.  


Blue Batak

Beans:  Blue Batak
Roaster: home roasting
Roasting Degree: Full city
Origin/Area: Dolok Sanggul, North Sumatra province, Indonesia 
Grade: SG
Screen: over 17up, 90% 
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,350 ~ 1,550m
Variety: Untraced
Process: Sumatran Traditional

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 5      
※Grade 1 to 5

Medium dark, high aroma, green, herbal, chocolaty, rich in body, sharp dark body, mild and soft texture, roundly tropical fruits and citrus aroma, dark chocolate like balance of acidity and sweetness, single layer fresh bitterness, clear sweetness in long-lasting aftertaste.

Sumatran coffee has been well known as Mandheling, dark green in color and rich in flavor.  Dolok Sanggul locates near Lake Toba, North of Lintong Nihuta.  


Permata Gayo Cooperative

Beans:  Permata Gayo Cooperative
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting Degree: Full city
Origin/Area:  Gayo, Aceh Province, 
                         Western Sumatra, Indonesia
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,200 ~ 1,600m
Variety: Tim Tim(HDT), Ateng
Process: Traditional Sumatran Process
※Rain Forest Alliance Certified, 
       Certified Organic, Fair Trade  

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 3
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 2
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 4     
※Grade 1 to 5 

Medium light, aromaful, sweet, chocolaty, berries, cranberry chocolate, steamed pumpkin, a touch of spice, cardamon and anise,  as a top note, roasted chestnuts, mellow, full bodied, complex, harmonized, creamy texture, mild tone bitterness, raw cacao nib, ashy, well-balanced bitterness and sweetness, roasted almonds, honey, a touch of  fresh herb, orange skin, caramel and strong nutty sweetness as a long lasting after taste.

Permata Gayo Cooperative is located near Lake Laut Tawar, Gayo, Aceh Province.  About 36 farmers forms Co-op follow the traditional farming and hand-pick only fully matured coffee cherries. 


El Pedregal

Beans:  El Pedregal
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting Degree: Full city
Origin/Area: Canet, Tarrazu, Costa Rica
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,675m ~
Variety: Caturra
Process: Traditional Costa Rican process, washed & Sundried

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3      ※Grade 1 to 5

Medium, Fruity, sweet berry aroma, fresh strawberry, raspberry, a tint of cardamon as top note, lightly Dutch cocoa, juicy, light, matured dates, prune, clear sweetness, dark chocolate bitterness and acidity, thick but transparent sweetness, a touch of pumpkin pie spice, anise, demerara sugar, juicy and soothing citrus honey like sweetness as a long aftertaste.  
El Pedregal is COE winning farm in Costa Rican program in 2011.  According to the farm over view of ACE, El Pedregal has "Fertile soils, good shadow and an excellent assistance", where the owner "renovated their crop a few years ago, so this is a young plantation with a great production in quantity and quality."  The owner of La pedregal is the Bonilla Solìs family, well known and a familiar in Costa Rican COE.  The Bonilla Solis family, Josuè Bonilla Solìs, can be found on the first place in the 2009 COE Costa Rica program: Finca Bella Vista.  If you serch widely, the name of Bonilla Solìs family can be found often in COE.  As the owner of Don Mayo micro mill, their family member nominated as Cerro la Cruz in 2012, La Loma 2008&2009, Los Nacientes in 2011.  As extremely mountainous region, the Tarrazu region is blessed with high elevations and some of the best growing conditions for coffee in Central America.