
Rwanda Intore S15

Name: Rwanda Intore S15
Roaster:  Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting degree: City
Area: the Lake Kivu Region, Western Rwanda
Variety: N/A
Grade: N/A
Screen: S15
Altitude: 1,600~2,100m
Defect: N/A
Processing Method: Fully Washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4 
Acidity: 4 
Bitterness: 4 
Richness: 4
※Grade 1 to 5

Medium light to medium, compound aroma, spicy, pear, anise, dried apricots, citrus, light texture, juicy, mellow, mild flavor, well balanced sweetness and bitterness, cacao, light sweetness of roasted pine nuts, cashews, and almonds, clean, light touch of citric acidity, fresh and fruity sweetness of green grape, light touch of cacao like bitterness and mild tangy-ness of Asian pears as a long lasting aftertaste.

This coffee is named after Rwanda’s traditional dance troupes, whicih means "The One" in Swahili.  Although Rwanda is slow growing coffee market, it is the only country to host COE in Africa.