It has been a loooong time ago...
Somewhat, this bag of beans, "Elida Estate", from Verve was completely off my list to be uploaded.
Fortunately, almost all impression/comments of cupping/tastings are recorded; here is the very first Verve beans:
Beans: Elida Estate
Roaster: Verve Coffee Roasters, Santa Cruz
Region: Alto Quiel, BOQUETE, PanamaAltitude: 1,670-1,825m
Varieties: Catuai
Process: traditional fermentation,
Sun-dry at low temperature
Fruity, papaya like aroma with floral bouquet fragrance. Light, mild body with well balanced flavor, sweetness of well matured passion fruits and Hazelnuts, touch of bitterness, spiciness of roasted nuts, with sourness of citrus as aroma and aftertaste.
I hope to visit Verve again and try their new, 2010 crop if I have a chance in this summer.