
Pescadillo/Tienaa ~ COE

Beans: Finca Pescadillo/Tienaa
Roaster: Namamame Hompo
Roasting Degree: City
Origin/Area: Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexcio
Grade: SHG
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,747m ~
Variety: 80% Typica, 20% Mundo novo
Process: Washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 5
Sweetness: 5
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3     ※Grade 1 to 5
Light to Medium Light, mellow, sweet aroma, high, fruity, soothing aroma, a tint of caramel, white grape, star fruits, papaya, lemon, juicy texture, complex, well harmonized, citric acidity, seminole, cara oranges, lemon, deep and rich sweetness, clover & linden honey, orange, a slight touch of manuka, clear but rich, creamy, sheer bitterness, mellow sweetness and thick layer of richness as a long lasting aftertaste.
This beans makes impressive and memorable flavor!  Well harmonized citric flavor and honey like natural rich sweetness are given even a cup is chilled.

Mexican COE winner Pescadillo/Tienaa is presented by two owners: Antonia Valeria Ortiz / Mario Ponciano Velazco.  Mario Ponciano Velazco López runs the estate under organic system over 15yrs in East Santiago Nuyoo’s municipality, in Tierra Azul community.  Antonia Valeria Ortiz España manages the finca under organic system over 10 yrs in Santa María Yucuhiti community where introduced coffee over 100yrs ago.  According to Mario, there are more and more varieties, species, of plants and animals found in the estate since they engaged organic system.  Although cultivation requires more effort than before, they were proud of their work honored by COE Mexican program.  This auction lot was bit by WATARU Co.,  Japanese specialty coffee importer which also send cuppers in several COE programs.  More and more Japanese fond in COE auctions in these days, and I personally feel bitter with this phenomena.


Colonel Fitzroy's ~ ZOKA Coffee

Colonel Fitzroy's Blend from Zoka Coffee roasters and tea.

Dark, full bodied, chocolaty flavor, tart like red wine, a touch of berries, goose berries and black berries, sticky thick sweetness.  Black sugar like un-purified sweetness as a aftertaste.

Zoka Coffee roasters and tea is located in Seattle.  Since 1997, they have been survived in high competition of Seattle Coffee Society and became one of neighborhood coffee house.  All information is from their website since I have never been to their Cafes/roasteries.  The bag of beans come from not their cafe but Wholefoods.
Wholwfoods carries series of "Local" roasters beans, which practically fresh...some are not.  Moving in the new town, coffee is always problem.  Before you try to fly your favorite beans from the old home, stop by at Wholefoods.  Choosing the one is still try-and-error, but it is better than walking around the town.  Sorry to Zoka, their coffee is still tied up with Starbucks coffee world.