
Caplami Longberry

Beans: Cameroon Caplami long berry
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto
Roasting Degree: Medium 

Region: West Highlands, Cameroon
           Caplami Co-op
Altitude : 750 –1500m
Processing: Semi-washed Process
Varietal: Longberry, JAVA

Medium to dark, nutty and lemon oil like citric aroma, mild, high body, clear, light texture, bold, rustic sweetness, dimensional flavor combination of sweetness as morasses and bitterness as dark chocolate, depth in flavor, bright acidity hidden underneath of sweetness and bitterness, spicy as hint of nutmeg, earthy, juicy sweetness as long lasting aftertaste.
Basic attributes resembles to Indonesian coffee, in aspects of earthiness, sweetness and flavor depth, but has distinct difference in aftertaste.  

Caplami Longberry has an unusual seed shape resembles to Ethiopian Harrar Longberry.  As berries are, the tree has a bit odd shape with similarity to Geisha form.  JAVA is used to specify dark, bold type coffee, which is originally the name specially given to Tipica varietal brought to Indonesia and other by Dutch in 17th century.  History of global coffee markets somewhat relates to colonialization, which must be stored in our mind.  In the States, Java can be mean "Coffee". 


Papua New Guinea Sigri Peaberry

Beans: Sigri Peaberry
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto
Estate: Sigri Estate
Origin: Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands Province,
           Papua New Guinea

Varietal: Arabica, Kent
Altitude: 1500~2000m
Processing method: Washed, sun dried

Mid body, mild, spicy and fruity aroma as freshly picked fig, light touch, citric cent, watery texture, smooth sweetness, flat layers of sweetness, a very thin layer of bitterness hidden, juicy, sweetness oriented, a long lasting aftertaste with sweetness. 
Very gentle, sophisticated flavor.

Established in the 1950s, Sigri Estate is recognized as one of the world best estate to produce gourmet coffee.  This estate has rapidly grown through especially COE, Cup of Excellence, gains high reputation.
In Sigri Estate, only fully ripe cherries are hand-picked and checked uniformity.  These cherries are pulped on the same day followed by 3 days fermentation process.  Washed every 24hrs, cherries are sun-dried.  Quality control begins in the field. 


Panama Pea Berry

Beans: Panama Pea Berry
Roasting Degree: Medium ~ Medium dark
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto

Medium, creamy texture, mellow, nutty & honey aroma, sweet aroma as freshly baked butter milk cookies, juicy sweetness as roasted almonds and cashews, goose berries,  deep sweetness balloons, broad-brushed bitterness, succulent flavor, growing sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.  
Well harmonized and good value.  Flavor and aroma fully express "Pea Berries".  
There are many popular/well-known coffee roasters in Kyoto, but, somehow, a small local roaster  gleams richly with higher achievements.  "Because roasting is my enjoyments", the roster said.  Roasting machines may have "appropriate amount" not only per batch but per day.  Certainly, human ability, such as five senses and concentration, has the peak curve.  
With space limitation, maybe a small hobby like local roaster carries higher ability to amuse and to entertain coffee lover's mind.        


Sinzan honey

Beans: Bali Sinzan Honey
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto
Roasting Degree: Medium 
Varietal: Paca-Mara

Medium to Dark, velvety, floral aroma with freshly roasted almonds, mellow but bold, well matured, fullness, round, flavorful, nutty, juicy sweetness, fruity  as vermouth cassis, sterically-constricted, thick, full layered sweetness, thin layer of lemony acidity sandwiched, soothing bitterness as bottom, long lasting sweetness as aftertaste.

Creamy sweets such as zuccotto, Italian sweets made of round sponge cake with chocolate, cream, and candied fruit. 

Bali Sinzan is one of well-known honey processed beans.  Honey process (Café Miel) is now widely known and applied in Central America, such as Costa Rica and Nicaragua, but relatively new term describing beans dried with "honey",  a fruit pulp, cling to coffee beans, which profoundly impacts cup character.  This process, somewhat, similar to, or may be "compromise" between, both the natural processing method and the wet method.
Honey process Flavor of honey processed coffee is often diagnosed as "DEEPLY SWEET" and "FULLY MATURED"; however, this character may be derived from full-ripe coffee beans. Compared to wet process, the honey were rounder in acidity, with less citric brightness.
Lately there are wide variation among Honey processing method through adopting mechanical demucilagers, machines replace manual labor of "ferment and wash".  Does this implication changes flavor?  To be honest, it is difficult to tell.  Flavor of green coffee beans varies also by drying methods.  Honey process itself has growing, developing and expanding.  I assume there are only one indication: Try traditionally processed "honey coffee" and see whether or not flavor fit you.