
Kivu K3

Beans:  Kivu K3
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting Degree: City
Origin/Area: Nord-Kivu, Rutshuru Region, Congo
Grade: K3
Screen: SC17 up 54%, SC16 up 20%
Defect: N/A
Altitude: over 1,500 ~ 2,000m
Variety: Unknown
Process: fully washed and sundried

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 5
Sweetness: 5
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 2
Richness: 3    
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium, medium dark, aromaful, fruity, cacao, passion fruits, roasted chestnuts, apricot flower, smooth texture, mellow, thick creamy sweetness, non sugar condensed milk, tangy bitterness, citric acidity and sweetness, blood orange, satsuma, fresh pear, tangy acidity as young banana, high tone lemony feeling, earthy spiciness, clove, allspice, nutmeg, lime like acidity with caramel like sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.

Kivu covers a very wide geographical area along the border of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, divided into three Providences Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, and Maniema.  Regarding coffee, it is said that Kivu has the high potential to produce higher quality coffee.
Congo is actually now the second biggest coffee cultivator in Africa and shifts their focus on Arabica varietal to grow high value coffee to meet the specialty market.    


Finca EL Palacio ~ National winner

Beans: Finca EL Palacio
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting Degree: City
       Departamento de Jinotega,
Grade: SHG  
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: over 1,250m
Variety: Catimor
Process: Wahsed
Crop: 2013

Nicaraguan COE National Winner
【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 5
Sweetness: 5
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3      ※Grade 1 to 5

Medium dark to dark, flowery and fruity, jasmine, almond flower, matured papaya, peach, roasted almond, pistachio, cashews, smooth, silky mouth feel, mellow sweetness, toasted oats, sesame butter, dried pear, Meyer lemon, dates, maple syrup, soothing bitterness, orange like acidity, clean and clear sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.

Finca EL Palacio is family own coffee firm descended for four generation and celebrates 120th anniversaly in Oct. 2014.  Begin with two coffee farms, the family spent their effort generation by generation to cultivate higher quality coffee cherries and expand the farms gradually.  In 1990's, the farm was formed as a Corporation, managed by the descendant.  Finca EL Palacio has entered COE Nicaragua program and nominated as National winner.  Although their coffee had one more step for the finals, this NW lot has the flavor to show their ability and capability.