
Grand Father's Blend

Beans: Grand Father's Blend (House Blend)Roaster: Syoji Furuie
Origin: Guatemara, etc.
Area/Farm: N/A
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Species: N/A
Year of cultivation: N/A
Area of production: N/A

Body: 4/Bitterness: 3/ Acidity: 2
Aroma: 4/ Balance: 5

【Comment from Web】
This coffee is a blend of Guatemala-Antigua and South American, which is originally developed by the previous master roaster and an old established Café owner, seeking only for the supreme quality and taste.
In 1960's to 70's, when the economy was elevated by the Osaka Expo, those stubborn two artisans used rare and limited Guatemala-Antigua to meet their craving for “the highest quality and the finest taste coffee”.
Originally this Blend was named as "GOLDEN MIX", but has been renamed as "Grand Father's Blend" although its unique dark smooth taste has never been changed.

There is no roast level related information posted, but it tasts like betoween full city and high.
Blewing coffee, rich and flavory aroma stands up in the air.  Smooth, refreshing, delicate taste with well harmonized sweetness and bitterness.  Leaves a little bit of bitterness and lemon like sourness as aftertaste.

The coffee Market

Sampler from The Coffee Market, Osaka.
Looking for Organic coffee beans, I hit their web-shop and found out this sample set on special sale price.

This sample set contains 3 different tipes of coffee beans: Single beans, Blend, Single beans (Organically grown).

The coffee market is  Kissa-ten, traditional Japanese cafe, originally located in  Ten-nhoji, Osaka.



Beans: Finca KASSANDRA
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Origin/Area: Huatusco, state of Veracruz, Mexco
Altitude: 1,250~1,400m
Variety: Catuai, Catura
Process: Fully washed
Grade: SHG
Screen: 15up
Roast: City
※ Rainforest alliance

First Cup: "What is this?  So weak."
Hot water with light coffee taste with coffee aroma.  Taste like so called American Coffee in Japan, not Americano, espresso with water.

Second Cup: "Very Sour, but different type of sourness from Moca."

Light body, Lime like sourness with clear aftertaste.  Somewhat, Sourness remains as full-mouth aftertaste.  Unlike tone of taste, light his cup certainly contains considarable amount of cafeine, because I have headache after drinking a grande size full of coffee.  Light and delicate, which might be refered as "Noble" taste.  Recommended as BLAK, morning coffee.
Sourness shows up once a cup gets cold.

Temperature of hot water seems to have strong impact over brewing this beans with "paper filter".  
First cup: 85C, Second cup: N/A (Right after boiled)
Higher temperature water brings sourness?


COE La Granadilla

Beans: La Granadilla
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Origin/Area: Cangual, Intibuca, Honduras
Growers: Omar Gómez Benítez La Granadilla Farm,
Altitude: 1550m
Variety: Catuai
Process: Washed
Grade: SHG
Screen: N/A
Crop: 2010
Roast: City
※ 2010 Cup of Excellence winning lot

【Attribute scores】
Aroma 4 
Sweetness 4 
Acidity 3 
Bitterness: 3 
Body 2
※Score 1 to 5

Dutch Cocoa powder with flowery aroma of jasmine, sourness of citrus, like lime.  Light body with layered depth, cocoa, a cup of hot chocolate, like sweetness and citrus like sourness as long lasting aftertaste.  Well harmonized sweetness of fully-ripe cacao beans with almonds and earthy bitterness, with a layer of citrus sourness on top, which gives a vivid image of clear blue sky and light air of greens, beautiful forests, with a dry-cool breeze. Refreshing clear body, proffered to have w/o any cream/milk and sugar. Good for a hot summer morning to refresh yourself, both physically and mentally.



Beans: Finca Premavera
Roasting degree: Full City
Roaster: Nama-mame hompo
Area of production: Premavera Estate, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 950m
Defects: N/A
Processing: pulped-natural
Variety: Catuai (RED&YELLOW)
Yr of cultivation: 2009/2010
Good Inside certified

【Roaster's Review】
This lot is specially cerected from Finca la Premavera by Silvio Leite, one of the world best Brazilian cupper.  This beans shows various aspects with roasting grades.  Unlike ordinally Brazilian coffee, this gives bitter caramel like flavor with deeper roast.

Soothing medium body, airy texture.  Smooth bitterness with a caramel like sweetness thinly layered on bottom, no notable acidity specified.  Bitterness as core flavor but clear and fine aftertaste.


Monsoon Malabar AA

Beans: Monsoon Malabar AA

Roaster: Okazaki, Hiromasa (Nama-mame hompo)
Roast Level: High

Area of production: Malabar, India
Grade: AA
Screen: 18/19
Altitude: N/A
Processing: Unwashed, Monsoon Dry
Species: N/A
Yr of cultivation: 2009.

Left: Monsoon,/Right:Brazil

【Comment from Web】
Uprising demand for GOLDEN coffee beans, India start producing so called MONSOON COFFEE, using monsoon, subtropical westerlies, in May to June. Unwashed Arabica beans are spread in 4-6 inches thick, mixed once a while to expose evenly to moisture, on the floor of well ventilated storehouse for 4-5days to dry. After they are bagged, pile up and line with enough space to keep monsoon air to go through. For 5 -6 weeks, un-bag/re-bag beans or rearrange bags about a once a week until beans turn to golden brown. These processes give Monsoon beans unique aroma and inspiring soft/rich taste.

Light, smooth, mild taste which well harmonized bitterness and sweetness, with clear aftertaste.
Very impressive and balanced light taste.  Unlike its appearance, this light cinnamon color beans has rich flavor even light roast like high roast.  This golden beans gives very soothing and refreshing feeling with each sip but settled in taste.
Iprefer to pair this cup with Almond Tuiles, thin & crispy French almond cookies, or something very light but flavorful sweets.  Recommended for a morning cup, on a nice, fresh and beautiful early-summer morning.

Yunnan Arabica simao

Beans: Yunnan simao
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Origin/Area: Simao,Yunnan, China
Altitude: 1,300~1,500m
Variety: Catimor#2
Processing method: Fully washed, Sun-dried
Grade: N/A
Screen: 16up
Roasting degree: High

Fine, clear body with light touch.  Layered Citrus sourness, lemons, limes, yuzu-citrus, on top, light bitterness, soothing flavor, with well matured apricots like sweetness, light and a second of aftertaste.  Bitterness comes as a top flavor once a cup cooled, but still dose not last long in aftertaste.  Sweet aroma like Lychees.
Perfectly fine coffee for mid summer; light and soothing as a cool refreshing breeze on highland.  


The farm is located 1300m~1500masl, mountainous area where blessed with rich red soil.  Yunnan Arabica simao is grown pesticide free, although China carries poor credibility in food quality.  Fully ripe cherries are hand-picked, processed with spring water, sun-dried and screen by weight with hand picked.   


Nama-mame honpo part3

Coffee paradise!  Sometimes a long list of coffee beans moves my finger to pick freely along with my desire. 

Love is motivation. 
Love is motive to accelerate curiosity.

I am so enthusiastic and motivated to feel, to taste and to express the difference/uniqueness of each coffee. 
Anyway…here are several, yes several, different varieties and variations of coffee beans selected all over the world.

It’s still surprising to see how many countries involve in coffee business, knowing the countries located in “Coffee belt”.

Nicaragua, Guatemala Indonesia, Brazil, Columbia, Rwanda, Mexico, China, Papua New Guinea, Dominica, Kenya…

From popular South America to Asia,
                                                      then to Africa!!!

Traveling around the world and finding flavorful, wonderful coffees, we enjoy relaxing moments.

With deep appreciation to the farmers,
I reaffirm how lucky we are to sit at home and enjoy a wondeful coffee journey :)



Beans: Machazo
Raoster: Namamame Hompo
Roasting Degree: Full City
Area:  Ngororero, Province de l'Ouest, Rwanda 
Altitude: 1,600~2,000m
Varieties: Burbon
Processing: Washedm
Screen: N/A
Grade: N/A
2010 COE Winning lot

Medium, aromatique, citric, lemon, orange, black berry, infused with nutmeg, cinnamon, concord grape, cherry.

Rwanda is only one COE hosting country in  African continent and this belongs to the top 4% highly selected coffee beans.  Africa is the treasure land for coffee hunters where brings flowering number of hidden and forbidden varieties to the market.  This lot is certainly COE winning lot but not yet this is the top flavor of Rwandan coffee.