
COE La Granadilla

Beans: La Granadilla
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Origin/Area: Cangual, Intibuca, Honduras
Growers: Omar Gómez Benítez La Granadilla Farm,
Altitude: 1550m
Variety: Catuai
Process: Washed
Grade: SHG
Screen: N/A
Crop: 2010
Roast: City
※ 2010 Cup of Excellence winning lot

【Attribute scores】
Aroma 4 
Sweetness 4 
Acidity 3 
Bitterness: 3 
Body 2
※Score 1 to 5

Dutch Cocoa powder with flowery aroma of jasmine, sourness of citrus, like lime.  Light body with layered depth, cocoa, a cup of hot chocolate, like sweetness and citrus like sourness as long lasting aftertaste.  Well harmonized sweetness of fully-ripe cacao beans with almonds and earthy bitterness, with a layer of citrus sourness on top, which gives a vivid image of clear blue sky and light air of greens, beautiful forests, with a dry-cool breeze. Refreshing clear body, proffered to have w/o any cream/milk and sugar. Good for a hot summer morning to refresh yourself, both physically and mentally.

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