

Beans: Finca Premavera
Roasting degree: Full City
Roaster: Nama-mame hompo
Area of production: Premavera Estate, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 950m
Defects: N/A
Processing: pulped-natural
Variety: Catuai (RED&YELLOW)
Yr of cultivation: 2009/2010
Good Inside certified

【Roaster's Review】
This lot is specially cerected from Finca la Premavera by Silvio Leite, one of the world best Brazilian cupper.  This beans shows various aspects with roasting grades.  Unlike ordinally Brazilian coffee, this gives bitter caramel like flavor with deeper roast.

Soothing medium body, airy texture.  Smooth bitterness with a caramel like sweetness thinly layered on bottom, no notable acidity specified.  Bitterness as core flavor but clear and fine aftertaste.

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