
Honduran COE winner: Palo Seco - Juan Claros Cardona

Beans: Palo Seco Farm
Roaster: Home roasitng 
Roasting Degree: Full City
Origin/Area: Masaguara, Intibuca, Honduras
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,675m
Variety: Catuai 
Process: Washed and dried on patio
※COE Honduran program 2015 Winning farm 

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 5
Sweetness: 5
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 4
※Grade 1 to 5

Medium, aromaful, shady, thick sweetness, lightly spicy, high fruity aroma, peach, matured prune, a touch of mix spice, crushed black peper, nutmeg, sheer green apple, cocoa powder as a top note, full bodied, bold, smooth, earthy, juicy mouth feel, complex, sheer layer of clean bitterness between thick sweetness, caramel, mellow, a touch of citric acidity, lemon juice, cacao nib, reduced milk, clear bitterness, cacao nib, lightly buttery, deep roasted almonds, mix of nutty and bitter chocolate as a long lasting aftertaste.

Congrats to Juan Claros Cardona and all his efforts.  Palo Seco Farm is small farm own by Juan Claros Cardona, located on a slope of mountain of a desirable altitude with good soil condition. The farm nurtures Catuai as the main, solo, variety with support from IHCAFE, Instituto Hondureño del Café, to manage Coffee rust.  Juan Claros Cardona Juan is an inspiring example of enthusiasm and commitment toward his farm and cultivation.