
Yemen Noah Super Sanani

Beans: Yemen Noah Super Sanani (Mocha)
Roasting Level: Medium Dark  
Roaster: Pussy Pussy-na
Area of Production: South Yemen
Grade: Super Sanani

【Note about this beans】
Yemen Noah Super Sanani is high quality Arabian Mocha cultivated in Yemen, which are rather small and irregular in size, but have wonderful body, aroma and flavor.  Legend has it that Noah, Yemeni capital Sana, is the oldest city in the world where had built by Noah after the Deluge.  

【Impression】  Floral deep aroma, earthy, spaicy flavor.  Dark but mild taste but light testure with sweet aftertaste.  Well harmonized flavor, different layers of sweetness with bitterness in bottom, gradually expand, gently "land-on" and mildly engage as flavor.  Fruity and flavorfull body.  "Flavor of this coffee...body...aroma....Hmmm.........  This certainly tastes COFFEE....but...."  There is a group of coffee sometimes makes me feel "too worthless to evaluate" and this Yemen coffee belongs to there.  Taste of beans and roasting grade, or maybe some other factors, are well harmonized enough to give strong impression: "I LOVE THIS!!  Why do I need to "chop" this well developped taste piece by piece??"   This coffee can be enjoyed anytime, no recomendation.  Have anytime to refresh your feeling!  Even you are in rush, this cup will pull you back and make you want to sit for while.      
Recommendation:  For preparation, it's better to use Burr mills or Roller grinders.  Using blade grinders, somewhat Pussy-pussy-na's beans were unevenly ground.  Basically, the blade grinders grinds unevenly and makes undesirable micro-level "coffee powder" more than other types of grinders.  For some reason, Pussy-Pussy-na's beans happen to have "beans" left in powdery ground beans, which make a cup bitter and taste charcoal-like.

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