

Name: Mandheling (MandheRich LingtonNihuta)
Roaster: Coffee Roaster Grancino
Roast degree: Dark 
Area: Lintong-Nihuta area, Northern Sumatra, Indonesia
Production: Small farmers, Co-op style
Variety:  Ateng
Grade: Mandheling G1
Screen: 18
Altitude: 1300m
Crop: Oct. Mar.
Processing: Sun-Dry, Pulped-natural (Sumatera Processing)

Roaster’s Comment
Lintong-Nihuta is well known production area for the high quality Indonesian coffee beans among the traders/exporters.  MandheRich, the highest grade of Mandheling, is specially screened large-size and fully matured beans from this Lintong-Nihuta area and has elegant sweetness and bouquet.

Full & dark body coffee with smooth velvety texture.  Layer of different degrees of bitterness and chocolaty sweetness, similar to chocolate from gran couva.  Fruity bitterness developed both original beans’ taste and dark roasting, leaves strong impression.  Filter blew coffee tastes similar to demi-espresso, but much clear and sharp in aftertaste.  Highly satisfying, prefer to save this for a winter nights special, sitting in king chair, in front of a fireplace with a favorite book and chocolate.

Out of all Grancino Coffees I have tasted, I liked mandeling/Dark roast the best, which made me wondered this roaster, or maybe the roasting machine, might fit better with darker roast.

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