

Name: Kagumo-ini
Roaster: Namamame Hompo
Roasting degree: Full City
Area: Mathira, Nyeri, Kenya
Variety:  SL28, SL34 and others mixed
Grade: AB
Screen: 15~17
Altitude: 1,600m
Defect: N/A 
Processing Method: Fully washed, 
                   African bed dried

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 5
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 4      
※Grade 1 to 5 
Medium dark to dark, sweet mellow aroma, dark chocolate, raw cocoa, coconut sugar, Cardamom, touch of Juniper berry, grapefruits and Meyer lemon as top note, silky texture, bitterness with creamy sweetness, earthy, cinnamon like spice, high tone citric acidity, candied orange peel, cacao nib, fruity sweetness, blood orange, satsuma mandarin, clean, tangy bitterness as a long lasting aftertaste.

Kagumo-ini is a coffee mill that is part of the Mugaga Farmer’s Cooperative Society, near Karatina town in Mathira, produces higher quality coffee season after season.  Majority of Kenyan coffee mills produces high quality beans by following “traditional” Kenyan methods: hand-picking, hand-screening, water pulping, fermentation, soaking, washing, sun-drying on African-bed, and 30 to 40 days maturing in a wooden silo before refined.  At Kagumo-ini, These SL28 & SL34 cherries were hand-picked by the small farmers and processed with Kenyan method, processed with two fermentations and dried on raised beds.

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