
Doi chaang Usami Estate

Beans: Doi chaang Usami Estate
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting Degree: City
Origin/Area:  Doi chaang, Chiang Mai District, 
Grade: AA  
Screen: SC14/15
Defect: less than 7%
Altitude: over 1,200 ~ 1,600m
Variety: Catimor
Process: Wahsed
Crop: 2013

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 3
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 5      
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium, mellow sweet aroma, Amaretto, GODIVA's milk truffle like, almond cream, star anise, Madagascar vanilla, juicy, lightly bitter, mild sweetness, raw cacao nib, well layered complex sweetness, caramel, matured star apple, lightly fruity, dried pear, dried nectarine, coconuts sugar, well balanced mellow creamy sweetness and bitterness, a tip of Dutch cocoa acidity to enhance sweetness, juicy sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.

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