
Finca Nuevo Mundo

Beans:  Finca Nuevo Mundo 
Roaster: Home roast
Roasting Degree: High
Origin/Area: Sierra Central, Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,400 ~ 1,500m
Variety: Caturra, Typica
Process: Fully-washed, Sun dried, shade grown

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 3
Sweetness: 3
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3    
※Grade 1 to 5

Medium dark, aromaful, cocoa, chocolate, dark & high cacao content chocolate bar, citric and sweet, highly citric, lemon, lime, a touch of clove, cardamon as an airy top note, mellow, juicy, high acidity, lemon, grapefruits, acerola, pomegranate, tangy bitterness, pungent, maple butter like thick sweetness, clear, balanced sweetness and acidity, creamy sweetness with tangy-ness as a long lasting aftertaste.

This lot is dramatic in flavor.  The impression changes one after another like a flip book as a cup getting chilled.  The very first aroma impression is "chocolate", exactly same aroma as ripping off a chocolate bar wrapping, Lindt 90% cocoa bar or Ghirardelli's Intense Dark 86% Cacao Midnight Reverie.  The "chocolate" aroma gradually changes to fruity, citric, blood orange skin like, as a cup cool down.  As for flavor, highly tangy, acid-bitterness, comes very first in a hot cup, which will fades and replaced with mellow sweetness, natural sweetness like dates, plum and raisin as a cup cools off.  

Finca Nuevo Mundo, also called Alfred Dias estate, won the second place of CODOCAFE cupping contest in 2007.  CODOCAFE is abbreviation of El Consejo Dominicano del Café, Dominican coffee association.  Mr. Dias, the owner and founder, established the farm in 1989 and has been devoting his life to grow high quality/full flavored coffee beans.  His dedication and enthusiasm opened the door to "new world" of Dominican coffee flavor:  clear Caribbean flavor with lime like soothing citric aroma.

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