
Finca La Joya ~ Honduran National winner

Beans:  Finca La Joya
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting Degree: City
Origin/Area: San Jerónimo, Comayagua, Honduras
Grade: SHG
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: 1,600m
Variety: Catuai
Process: Fully-washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 2
Richness: 2      ※Grade 1 to 5 

Medium, soothing, smokey, mellow aroma, apple woods, lemon, almonds, roasted chestnuts, licorice, hickory like top note, thick layer of sweetness, orange, slightly tangy, light acidity, white grapefruits, smokey mouth feel as a long lasting aftertaste.    

To be honest, this beans was the one impossible to trace both the importer and the estate/grower, "Javier".  Since there are no access to the record of Honduran National competition winners, the information below is hearsay without confirmation.  Please let me know if you have any information about "Finca La Joya" in Honduras, not in Guatemala.  

"The owner of Finca La Joya, Javier, started his own coffee farm 22-years-ago with 0.7ha.  Now, the estate is expanded to 10ha and grow two varietal, Catuai and Pacas.  He devotes his passion to improve quality, which celebrates him with two National winner awards." 

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