
Ruvuma AAA

Name: Ruvuma AAA
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full City
Area: Mbinga, Ruvuma Region, Tanzania
Variety:  Burbon
Grade: AAA
Screen: 18up
Altitude: 1,200 - 1,800m
Defect: 0/300g
Processing Method: Fully washed, Sun dried

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 3       
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium, sweet aroma, chocolate, almonds, honey, maple sugar, creamy condense milk, lightly scented with citrus, silky mouth feel, mild, well balanced sweetness and bitterness, touch of minty coolness, raw honey and dates syrup like natural sweetness wrapped with mellow bitterness, cacao nib, juicy, sheer soft acidity as plum, peach, orange, a juicy but clean sweetness as a short lasting aftertaste.

Tanzanian coffee may remind you of Kilimanjaro.  Mbinga growing region locates in Ruvuma region, southern Tanzania, faces Lake Malawi.  Ruvuma has been very well known coffee cherry growing region but milling stations were not well enough to list the name on the global coffee trading as high quality producers.  Since 1997, if my memory is right, Ruvuma wet/dry mills has dramatically changed and came under the spotlight of Specialty coffee world.  Compared to Kilimanjaro, Ruvuma has earthy and powerful flavor similar to Kenya, but has very clean mouth feel like Kilimanjaro.  

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