
Finca El Molino ~ Orange burbon

Name: Finca El Molino
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full City
Area: Sonsonate, El Salvador
Variety:  Orange Burbon
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,470 - 1,750m
Defect: N/A
Processing Method: Fully washed, Sun dried

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 3
Sweetness: 3
Acidity: 4
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 2      
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium dark, Tahitian vanilla, cacao nib, raspberry, black berry, maple syrup, silky, smooth, Dutch cocoa, candied almonds, sea salt caramel, banana, mellow, citric acidity as Persian Limes, tangor, white grape, litchee, fruity sweetness as custard apple, mellow sweetness as matured banana, dark chocolate like bitterness, Ghirardelli's "Intense Dark Midnight", coconuts sugar like sweetness with juicy mouth feel as a long lasting aftertaste.

Finca El Molino grown, the Las Cruces wet mill processed.  Finca El Molino is located on the slope of Santa Ana volcano, blessed with volcanic ash soil, leaf soil, and trees for shade grown.  At the Las Cruces wet mill, cherries are washed with spring water and dried on brick patio.

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