
Karoma Estate

 Name: Karoma Estate
Roaster:  Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full-city
Area: Pico Duarte, Santiago, Dominican Republic  
Variety: Catura, Typica, Bourbon
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,250~1,500m
Defect: N/A
Processing Method: Washed

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 3
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 3
Richness: 4

Light dark to medium, nutty aroma, raw almonds, almond essence, apricot kernel, nutmegs as a sheer top note, mellow, well-balanced, juicy, bright acidity, clean, rich, smooth sweetness followed by orange like citric acidity, cacao like bitterness, natural sweetness of roasted almonds and cashews, juicy sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.

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