
Piatã Bahia

Beans: Piatã Bahia
Roasting degree: City
Roaster: Intelligentsia Coffee
Area of production:  Piatã, estado da Bahia, Brazil
Grade/Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,300m
Processing: Natural, Traditional Brazilian methods
Variety: Red Catuai, Catucai Vermelho

Light body, clear citrus aroma of mixed lemon & lime, black pepper like spice hidden, refreshing, crisp, sheer, clear,light texture, layer of refreshing acidity & sweetness, fruity sweetness of fresh Bartlett & Anjou pear, apricot, white grape, earthiness as African, similar to Ethiopian beans, clear acidity of lemon, a tint of bitterness of cacao hidden, a long lasting juiciness as fresh fruits. 
This refreshing cup suits sunny morning, spring to  summer, w/o milk and sugar.  

Piatã is a Brazilian municipal district of the state of Bahia, Brazil, which is located 1,268 m elevation, the highest municipal district, and occupies the whole Northeast Area.  Piatã has raise its popularity through COE Brazil, representing with many winning farms.  In 2010, as far as I remember,  Piatã represented the prestigious first place with Catuai variety, the high-yield of Mundo Novo and Caturra originated in  Brazilian laboratories.  

There are many micro-farms cultivating high quality cherries in this area.  Some of them produces several hundred sacks of coffee each year.  Most of them are well maintained, hand picked and processed by traditional brazilian methods, which enhances flavor of the beans.  People often think nothing special about Brazilian coffee, but now Piatã elevates the value of Brazil in the market.  And, somewhat, Intelligentsia is taking a part of this dramatic show of Brazilian transformation.   

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