
Kenya Gachami

Beans: Kenya Gachami
Roaster: Akai-mi coffee
Roasting degree: Medium dark
Area: Kirinyaga district, near Kianyaga, Central Kenya 
        Gachami coffee factory
Altitude: 1,600 ~ 2,000m
Varieties: SL28 and SL34
Grade: N/A
Processing:  Traditional Kenyan methods

☆In Traditional Kenyan methods, the coffee cherry is milled by a four disc depulper, double fermented, washed, soaked and finally dried in two different stages. Each harvest day coffees are processed meticulously and kept separately since quality varies everyday.

Medium to dark, silky texture, high density, fruity citrus aroma as blood oranges mixed with light flowery sweet aroma of Daphne odora, Winter daphne, layers of cacao nibs like bitterness bottomed with tangy earthy acidity, gradually growing sweetness of vermouth cassis and dark berries with dark chocolate, dark bitterness as long lasting aftertaste.  Good for afternoon coffee in hot summer, maybe for water dripped iced coffee.

【About Gachami】
Operated under cooperative system of the Baragwi Coffee Farmer's Society, the Gachami coffee factory presents high quality coffee beans to COE.  Built in the early 1970's, members of Gachami are blessed with deep red volcanic loamy soils of Aberdare range and with sufficient water supply from Kaboyo River provides, and grow SL28 and SL34, varietal of Arabica commonly found in Kenya. 

 In this area, the average annual rainfall is between 1,100 ~ 1,200mm and the average temperature 19 ~ 20 Celsius degrees. It is said that over 1,000 active members belongs to this cooperative, who work within walking distance of the coffee mill.  The cooperative provides educations to farmers together with supports for every aspects of coffee business, which has been expanding possibilities of this factory in the world markets.

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