
Greens Blend

Beans: Greens Blend 
Roaster: GREENS Coffee Roaster
Roasting Degree: Medium High

Light to Medium body, smooth airy texture, mild but pearly impression, lemony passion fruits like aroma, savory creamy sweetness as caramel, milk chocolate like, slight bitterness gradually grow, a tip of soft acidity, roasted almonds like natural sweetness as core leaving clean bitterness as aftertaste.  
The best choice for morning cup, even for non coffee lover.  Americano type coffee lovers also find this cup as one of their flavor.  Well-balanced light and Clean cup may apply to any occasions.  Recommend w/o Milk and Cream, w/ light sweets.

Mr. Iwao, the owner, has been passionate and focusing on roasting/blending for last couple years.  Greens blending/roasting technique has been changed gradually,  sometimes dramatically, enough to catch my attention.  Greens Blend is the one developed the most, coveys Mr. Iwao's passion. 

Kobe is Sanctuary for Coffee lovers as well as the history maker in terms of roasting techniques and blending techniques.  With limitation of space, roasters in this area developed various technique to add heaviness in flavor, not adding charcoal like feeling.  Charcoal roasting is the technique often used, but Greens roasting does not stays in the range of "DARK" flavor.  From light to Dark, very vivid flavors comes from Beans original tastes enhanced by roasting technique. 

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