
OLD Colombia

Beans: Old Columbia
Roaster:  Cocktail-Do

Area: Columbia
Varieties: 100% Arabica
Altitude:  1,100~1,800m
Amount of rainfall: 2,000~3,000mm
Average Temperature: 7~18℃

【Roaster's Comment】
Columbia often refer as synonymous with mild coffee.  Columbia is desirable beans for aging because of their full body flavor and aged Columbia enables to give variety of richness and sweetness in wide range of roasting degrees, from cinammon to dark roast.  Coktail-do often creates our blend coffee with Columbia as core flavor, sometimes using 2 different aging degree beans.
Medium body, mild texture, rather silky, citrus lemony aroma.  
Nutty flavor and delicate bitterness Flavor has less acidity.  Old Coffee, often refered as aged coffee, has less acidity than fresh beans as well as deeper in flavor.  Layer of bitterness gives depth in flavor and well matured aroma.

Talking about Aged or Old coffee, time and temperature do have strong impact on coffee flavor.  It is widely known fact so it has no need to be mentioned, but aging green beans is just like maturing wine.  Sourness literary changes, is sublimed to merged into rich flavor to harmonize bitterness/sweetness. 

Aged beans hide their capabilities, characteristics, potentials and so on until they came out of roasting machine.  Aged Beans sometimes ended up just like charcoal flavor if aging temperature is not appropriate.  There are a few coffee roaster can offer more than 10yrs wonderful aged coffee beans.
This roaster is not the one, but good enough to experience what aged coffees are.and to float the basis of an entrance for deeper coffee world.  

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