
Colombia Andes Condor

Beans: Columbia Andean Condor
Roaster: Akai-mi Coffee
Roasting Degree: Medium
Area: Takengon Boyanaca, Colombia
Varieties: 100% Typica
Altitude: 1700m
Processing: Washed, 100% Sun-dried
                      Traditional Columbian fermentation process

Medium dark body, silky texture, thick layer of flavors, light fresh citrus aroma..
Clear but well balanced moderate flavor.   Dark chocolaty Cacao sweetness and bitterness as core flavor.  Light mild acidity of orange and juicy concord grapes,  bitterer caramel like heavy sweetness with reduced cane juice as bottom flavor, nutty sweetness and cacao bitterness as finish.  Short aftertaste with acidity left.  No outstanding character or uniqueness in flavor and aroma, but well matured and balanced in total.

Andes Condor is very rare coffee beans to enjoy as single origin.  In recent years, Columbian traditional coffee trees have been overtaken, or replaced, by Variedad Colombia to combat blights.   Variedad Colombia is a hybrid of the Canephora (Robusta) and Arabica species developed by the Colombian Coffee Growers’ Federation with a federal support, which has disease resistance, precocious and high -yielding.

Against federal project, some farmers have chosen Typica, low-yielding with poor resistance to blights and requires a lot of labor: Andean Condor is one of them.  It has low-yielding, but entertain us with its unique and fascinating flavor.  
Andes Condor upholds Traditional Columbian fermentation process, using "fluid" remain in coffee cherries.  This method carries original rich flavor of cherries and add richness, sweetness and depth to coffee beans but requires high technique to control/to maintain fermentation process.

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