
Don Pepe Estate

Beans: Panama Don pepe
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full city
Estate: Don pepe
Area: Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama
Varieties: 100% Bourbon
Altitude: 1,550-1,800m
Processing: Fully washed, 100% Sun-dried

【About Don Pepe Estate】
Don Pepe Estate is located on the slopes of Baru Volcano, between 1500 to 1700m in altitude, in Panama's famous Boquete growing region.
Blessed with Tropic climate, Panama contributes and focuses on, so called, specialty coffee cultivation especially in Chiriqui, Western part of Panama.
Since 1899, Don Pepe Estate has devoted their effort on growing high quality coffee beans.  Blessed with environments, Volcanic ash and high altitudes, they became well recognized coffee estate in Panama.  Cofee berries are divided in small lots and processed in wet methods, then the parchment are fully sun-dried over African beds.

  Dark strong body, full flavored, silky texture, leaves similar impression as high quality bourbon whisky.  Citrus acidity of Orange and lime mixed, dark chocolate like cacao aroma, hazelnuts like sweetness with deep Tanzania cacao like dark and layered bitterness with buttery mildness in flavor.  Pearly shiny round flavor, bitterness and sweetness in center,  with a touch of citrus acidity in long lasting aftertaste. 
  This cup has strong character and leaves a memorable impression, easy to retrieve its flavor.  Good for afternoon cup, on fall to winter afternoon.

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