
Pastores Peaberry

Beans: Pastores Peaberry
Roasting degree: Full-City
Roaster: Okazaki, Hiromasa (Nama-mame hompo)
Area of production: Antigua, Guatemala
Grade: SHB Peaberry
Screen: 13up
Altitude: 1,350~1,650m
Processing: Free washed
Variety: Bourbon,
Yr of cultivation: 2009/2010

【Comment From Web】
Unlike normal coffee beans, "Peaberry" has one bean developed within a single cherry, which has a round/oval, like Pea, shape, and small in size.
Left: Peaberry, Right: Brazil (Standard flat beans)
In the early sixteen century, the coffee trees are planted and grown between 4500 to 5500 feet in altitude of Volcan de Agua, Mt. Agua, and other volcano es surrounding Antigua, the former capital of Nicaragua, where are blessed with rich condition: volcanic fertile black soil, well balanced sun-light and shade and stable rainfall throughout a year, and f ine quality and well sized beans are grown.
After Coffee cherries, selected by the Pastores Mill of Vol cafe, are hulled, 100% naturally fermented, and washed, they are sun dried and cupped by rots.  This cupping process categorizes and grades beans by color, cupping, size, and etc., which enables to introduce  higher quality beans into the market.  Moreover, beans are hand-picked by over 100 women/rot before bagged to export, with a special emblem on a jute bag.  This coffee provides the highest quality in terms of well established/balanced body, aroma, and sourness.      

Excellent fruity cup.  Light, smooth body, fruity flavor.  Summer breeze like soothing taste.  Light and unique, which requires well developed coffee b rewing technique to serve stable quality of coffee.  Might require special attention on water temp. and grinding process.

Second order of Pastores Peaberry.
Light refreshing flavor with sourness of limes and yuzu, on top of thin layer of bitterness.  Orange like aroma, light but balanced body.

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