
Grit City Blend

Beans: Grit city Blend
Roaster: madrona Coffee Co.
Roasting Degree: full City
Origin/Area: N/A
Grade: N/A
Screen: N/A
Defect: N/A
Altitude: N/A
Variety: N/A
Process: N/A 

Medium, sweet orange, caramel, cacao, touch of lemon peel as a top note, vanilla, almond flower, smooth mouth feel, mild, citric acidity, pearly, lightly lemony, lime, mellow sweetness, cacao nib, dates sugar, slightly tangy bitterness,dried burdock root, apricot kernel, almond, Chinese leafy herb mix, roasted almond like sweetness as a long lasting after taste.

Medium dark but smooth and clean enough for hand brew.  This has more room to develop flavor balance and gives a sense that "coffee geek" blends beans to seek fine flavor coffee to fulfill his cravings for fine flavor.     

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