
Dominica Ramon Rodoriguez

Beans:  Ramon Rodoriguez
Roaster: Beans Tei 
Roast: Medium
Area: Juncalito, Santiago province,Altura, El Cibao, Dominican Republic
                   Ramon Rodriguez Estate
Altitude: 1200m
Variety: Caturra、Typica
Grade:  N/A
Screen:  N/A
Processing method: Wet

Light Citrus as a top note on crispy Oats like aroma, Nutty and Chocolaty sweetness with hazelnuts like spicy flavor, medium body, light touch refreshing bitterness as aftertaste.  A tint of  lemony acidity touches shortly on top, mild and mellow layer of sweetness stays as core flavor.
Black is recommended to enjoy this flavor-full and well-balanced cup with a piece of  Marron glacé. 

This beans expresses full characteristics of Cibao Altura coffee, lower acidity and higher quality contributed by higher altitude with  ample rainfall.  The Dominican Specialty coffee are generally known as full body, moderate to light acidity, rich aroma, and earthy tones, and, of all these, Cibao Altura coffee has much less acidity to emphasize rich mellow flavor.   

【Note: Dominican Coffee】
The main varietal grown in Dominican Republic is the Typica, about 90%, and the Arabica, about 10%, including Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, and Mundo Novo, a hybrid of Caturra.  The Dominican Coffee retains and exhibits characteristics of classic caribbean coffees, well-balanced, among all others such as Jamaican and Puerto Rican, which due to processing methods.  
Dominican Republic is on the list of one of the finest coffee country which produces CEO specialty beans from established seven growing areas:  Cibao, Barahona, Noroeste, Neyba, Sierra Sur, Sierra Occidental, and Sierra Central.  In those areas, coffee tends to elevate acidity with altitudes.   Basically, the Dominican beans are composed with full-bodied, rich aroma, earthy spice flavor, and mild to light acidity varied by growing altitudes.   

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