
Finca Buenos Aires

Beans: Finca Buenos Aires
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full-city
Area:  Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua  
Variety: Maracatu, hybrid of Marago&Catuai
Processing method: Wet-process

※Micro lot from EL Suyata area, located the highest elevation of Finca Buenos Aires: 1,500masl, 23℃ in average temperature.

Fruity aroma, light body & texture with bitterness as the first flavor, and clear and cooling aftertaste.  Light well balanced bitterness, no acidity.  "Americano" type, light and clear taste, fits anytime of the day/year.    

Extra Large size beans, which looks larger than ordinary Maragogippe beans I have seen...


Dipilto is one of the best coffee cultivation area in Nicaragua, where presents prize winning farms/lots regally.  Surprisingly, in 2006 COE, there are 8 farms out of 10 award-winning lot were from this area.
Blessed with unique weather and rich soil, EL Suyatal grows the beans with extremely high sugar content.  Only fully matured cherries are hand picked, parched, and processed by Dry mill in Ocotal.

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