


A Unique micro roaster & Cafe in Hiroshima.  Flavor was usual, Japanese light roast coffee but good enough to sense owner's devotion to coffee. 

Glad to know that coffee geeks are everywhere in the world!  There are always common language and passion, at least something in common, among us to feel intimacy even at the first met.    


Coffee selections @ Bi-Rite Market

The best about SF and South Bay is variety of individual coffee roasters and easy access to their selections.   Bi-Rite Market, one of the natural food markets in SF, has coffee shelves filled with beans selection from local independent roasters. I love coffee roaster hopping and enjoy a cap with inspiring aroma at their café, but sometimes it is fun to glace selections and variety of SF coffee world.   

El Optimismo: El Salvador

Roaster: Doi Coffee
Level: full City

El Optimismo is one of El Salvador 2009 Cup of Excellence Winning Farms.


Tanzania Kilimanjaro plantation

Tanzania: Kilimanjaro plantation
Beans: Tanzania Kilimanjaro plantation
Roaster: Hiroshi Doi, Doi Coffee
Roasting Degree: City

【Attribute scores】
Aroma 4
Acidity 5
Body 2
Biterness: 3
Sweetness: 1

Layer of  bitterness followed by citrus sourness on top.  Sourness stays as aftertaste.
My image of "Kilimanjaro Coffee", in general, is light with clear sourness, but this cup hit me with harmonized bitterness with hidden sourness, acid type sourness.  Unfortunately, this sourness in aftertaste is not my favorite type, but if make this cup a little more water, like americano, balance of bitterness and sourness may harmonize the way I like.

It is well known that Kilimanjaro origin has soothing acidity of orange and lemongrass.  This lot carries typical Kilimanjaro citrus flavor and rich aroma to enhance its flavor.


Finca Buenos Aires

Beans: Finca Buenos Aires
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full-city
Area:  Dipilto, Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua  
Variety: Maracatu, hybrid of Marago&Catuai
Processing method: Wet-process

※Micro lot from EL Suyata area, located the highest elevation of Finca Buenos Aires: 1,500masl, 23℃ in average temperature.

Fruity aroma, light body & texture with bitterness as the first flavor, and clear and cooling aftertaste.  Light well balanced bitterness, no acidity.  "Americano" type, light and clear taste, fits anytime of the day/year.    

Extra Large size beans, which looks larger than ordinary Maragogippe beans I have seen...


Dipilto is one of the best coffee cultivation area in Nicaragua, where presents prize winning farms/lots regally.  Surprisingly, in 2006 COE, there are 8 farms out of 10 award-winning lot were from this area.
Blessed with unique weather and rich soil, EL Suyatal grows the beans with extremely high sugar content.  Only fully matured cherries are hand picked, parched, and processed by Dry mill in Ocotal.


Verve Coffee Roasters

I happen to know Coffee Roasters in Santa Cruz,, where I’m completely stranger myself.

I met “Verve” in the mid town of SF when I was taking a Café tour with my friend、who lives in the JAVA industry. I wonder what makes this café to choose coffee beans from Santa Cruz even there are number of individual/independent roasters with specialty coffee beans selections in San Francisco. Maybe, something is in Santa Cruz.

My curiosity was growing since then and urged me to go, so I asked my friend, different person but also passionate coffee lover, to take me there.

It appeared as ordinary café compared with other individual roasters in SF. There is, of course, espresso machine and grinders, but no roasting facilities. We arrived there nearly 7pm, their close time, but there are still some people seating and coming in and out.

My poor soy latte...
I ordered standard soy latte. My friend ordered latte with quad-shots, which came out extremely flavor-full and delicious. Sorry for my soy latte, I found mine tasted nothing after a ship of quad-shot-latte.

I would like to take time to stay for next time, maybe enjoy a cup of quad-shot-latte with some sweets...


Four barrel coffee

Here again.
I was back to the most favorite Café & roster, Four Barrel on Valencia.  Nothing can make me happier than a cup of latte at Four Barrel.  I still believe they serve milky, silky, non-sweetened soy latte which I think enormously delicious.

Friend of mine, soaked in JAVA world, told me to go, so I bought a bag of estate beans, which I brought to home with me and haven’t opened yet.
It has been nearly a month....yes, I know.  Life of coffee beans is very short; Oxidization process starts once beans are roasted. Lately, such package named “antioxidative”, but I do not believe they are effective enough to keep fresh aroma & taste. In that prospective, my special package here may not entertain me as much as I am expecting after nearly a month later…

Well, go back to the subject: Four Barrel.

My friend called their espresso machine as “BENZ”. Benz refers, of course, “Mercedes-Benz”, king of luxury. But, somewhat, she might have meant really “Mercedes-Benz” developed, I mean collaborated in production process, espresso machine, Saeco, Italian espresso machine manufacture. Unfortunately, I have never seen BENZ-Saeco for professional use, so it might be wrong…

Whatever this Machine is, their espresso are always silky and strong to entertain my heart as well as to stop craving for a delicious, full-flavored coffee…  


Guatemala El Consuelo estate 

Roaster: Hiroshi Doi (Doi Coffee, Osaka)
Level: Full city roast

" Caramel like sweet but bitter flavor.  Fruity sweetness like mango... "

I might not have well trained sense of taste as " Classificadore" does, so I would not make any comment on their evaluations related to this coffee bean.
Touch of bitterness and hidden sourness with the very first sip, together with sweetness in the bottom.  Maybe depending on my condition, but extra sourness remains afterwards, which bothers me a little.  Together with this coffee, I will serve a piece of maple cream cookie.


Fazenda Cachoeira

Beans: Fazenda Cachoeira ~ Cachoeira Estate
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full-city
Area: Mogiana region, 
        Sao Sebastiao da Grama, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Variety: Bourbon
Processing method: Natural, Sun-dried
Single Estate, Micro lot

Medium, deep sweetness, macadamia, milk chocolate with caramel, almond toffee, maple butter.

Cachoeira Estate is located 3 miles from Minas Gerais state line and carries characteristics from the mountainous areas of Mogiana and from Sul de Minas.  Nearly 200 hectares of their coffee plantation is operated manually due to its topography, which also contributes to conserve ecological balance, environmental sustainability.  


Finca La Candelilla

Name: Finca La Candelilla
Roaster: Doi-Coffee
Area of Production: La Sábana in Tarrazú region, Costa Rica
Altitude:  1,750m
Variety: 100% Caturra

Micro-mill Coffee, single origin

Rich and complex, fruity aroma, apple, juicy, balanced, plummy notes, tart, crème caramel, perfect for the early fall.

Finca La Candelilla was founded as one of the first coffee plantations in the Tarrazu by Victor Mora, one of original settlers in the Los Santos region. 


Finca Los Pirineos

Beans: Finca Los Pirineos

Roasting degree: Full City
Roaster: Doi Coffee
Area of production:  Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua
Grade/Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,400m
Processing: Wet, Sun dried
Variety: Caturra, Borbon

Jasmine, green apple like bright aroma, rich body, refreshing, well structured, Sweet toffee with orange,crisp acidity, bitterness as dark chocolate sweetened with honey, raw cashews.


Caplami Co-op

Beans: Caplami Java Longberry
Roaster: Hiroshi Doi, Doi Coffee
Roasting degree: Full-city
Origin/Area:  Bafousam,  Republic of Cameroon/Caplami Co-op
Altitude: 1,200-1,800 meters
Variety: Java
Process: Fully washed, 100% Sun dried
Grade: TYPE B
Screen: 16up

【Attribute scores】 ※grade 1 to 10
Aroma 8
Acidity 7
Body 8
Flavor 8
Aftertaste 7

Gently pungent in aroma and flavor, with spicy wood notes that round toward a banana-toned fruit. A hint of flowers. In the cup quite sweet with a savory/salty edge, subdued acidity, lightly syrupy mouthfeel. Rich but simple finish.
Unique long berry cultivated by Co-op style growers.  Value of coffee beans has changed since the world market change their aim to Specialty coffee.  Some growers changed their cultivation "mass" to "environmentally harmonized" and start micro size farming. 


Shangri-la Mountain

Shangri-la Mountain, beans from Yunnan.

Finally, here is update for the coffee beans, my very first encounter of Chinese grown coffee, which came in Kato Coffee’s box.

I would say it was unfortunate to have such a full, rather call dark, roasted beans, only brought "SMOKEY" charcoal like taste; the level of roast was so dark that it was difficult for me to tell how really taste was.

The taste reminded me of “Guatemala Antigua” of STUBACKS, bitter and smoky, then sourness gradually comes as it cold.

My evaluation for Chinese coffee beans may need to postpone until I hit one with a good roaster…

中国雲南省 シャングリラマウンテン。





Kato Coffee

Looking at Kato Coffee’s Hope page, the copy has inspired me very well:: "Enjoy the World tour with gourmet coffee beans”.
Well, why shouldn’t I try???

Here they are from China, Kenya, Mexico and Peru, 500g each, 2kg in total, which came to my home with fresh and tempting fragrance!!

This is the very fast time to try beans from china, which has convince me to order from them even the web site did not appeal much convincing. in terms of the quality..
The quality and taste of them will be updated…but so far, their roast does not go with my taste….

They also has their shopping site in RAKUTEN and Yahoo!...

中国・ケニヤ・メキシコ・ペルーの4カ国からやってきた、各500g 合計2Kgのコーヒー豆!!


Modernark pharm cafe

The long established vegetarian café, “Modernark pharm café” in Kobe offers delicious veggie meal.

It has been while since “Vegetarian” has earned popularity, but this café has been there quietly but has been passionately offering wonderful veggie meal.
Both lunch and dinner menus are reasonable for their quality.

Picture above is side dishes form Dinner plate, which has Tofu stake, steamed veggies, etc., and comes with a cup soup and a bowl of brown rice.
On top of their food, I love their homey and cozy atmosphere, which allows us to stay as long as we want.

In addition, their sweets menu satisfies sweet lovers desire!!

☆Coconuts tiramisu with organic coffee
Modernark pharm cafe
3-11-15 Kitanagasa-dori Cyuo-ku Kobe-shi, HYOGO
Tel: 078-391-3060

(5mins walk form JR Motomachi station)











ameen's oven

Organic and partially Macrobiotic Neighborhood bakery.

Heavy and rich taste, made by naturally fermented grape, citrus yeasts and organically grown flowers. There are non- dairy selection as well as Macrobiotic, sugar-free.

There are not many bakery satisfy my craving for “GOOD BREAD”, but AMEEN’S is one of my favorite.

I recommend Bio Miche and Wheat Germ Toast for the 1 st timers, but there will be many many good looking rolls, sweet breads, and so on. Be sure to have less money, or have empty wallet!

※ Better to go around 11am.  After 12pm, you will find nothing....


In Bay area on the West coast, ACME BREAD is one of my favorite.
Unlike Fire Bread, Acme has their store in Ferry Building, SF, and comes to the farmers' market on Sat.
My favorite is walnuts and bugette.  
Campanue is good for sandwichs, too.

Ferry Plaza


Boulangerie Le Dimanche

There are number of nice bread shop in Kobe.
This is one of Fancy Boulangerie opened about 3 yrs ago.
Taste is not so impressive, but not too bad.
If you like buttery & sugery Sweet breads, maybe you will like their pastery. 

Their PINK shopping bag is cute!
(But has nothing to do with their tastes...)

T&K Building 1F
3-12-16 Kitanagasa st. Chu-o Ku, Kobe city 
OPEN: 10:00-20:00 


Espresso Bar Plus

National coffee chains are comfy, reliable and hesitation free.  But sometimes, we need a little change...

SO, Take a BREAK from STABUCKS like national chain coffee shops!!
Stop by at a local Espresso Bar in Motomoachi, Kobe, and you will find a fine quality espresso there.

Assuming that this Espresso bar might use Beans from "Tarukoya", one of leading coffee roaster in Kobe, Drip coffee might be good besides espresso.

Taking about their soy latte, foam of soy milk is silky and creamy but dose not last long, so enjoy smooth foam before cover with lid...

Espresso Bar Plus
6-8-2 Kitanagasa-dori 3 chome Chuo-ku Kobe-shi

Tel: 078-333-1919


エスプレッソ - Espresso          200円 ~
ラテ - Latte                     280円 ~
カプチーノ- Cappuccino          280円 ~ 
紅茶 - Engish Tea                250円 ~
スムージー - Smoothy            350円 ~
抹茶ラテ - Green tea Latte    300円 ~
チャイラテ - Chai Latte         300円 ~



espresso bar plus

住所 神戸市中央区北長狭通3丁目6-8-2
電話番号 078-333-1919


Boulangerie la lune

Have you ever found “The French Bread” to satisfy your craving??? It is difficult to hit anything satisfies your craving for a real French crispy bread even in place like here, Kobe, where is widely known as “Heaven” of good Bakeries and Pastry Shops.

Among all, “Boulangerie la lune” is named on the top of hierarchy.
As a French bakery, they, of course, make wonderful pastries as well. I love their croissant, rich taste form well selected butter. Even very small, maybe tiny, in size, it may give strong impression at first bite. When it comes to a baguette, it may be total-knockout and induces nostalgia of Paris…I mean, if you ever been there before.
Simply made of salt, wheat flower, water and natural yeast, it entertains a "baguette de tradition française" lover with the fine, right taste. It gives sour taste at first with mellow fragrance, and gradually transforms to sweet, mild wheat’s flavor, harmonizes with other ingredients. Crispy outside and soft/ juicy inside, it also gives mental satisfaction.
Although it costs over 300 yen per baguette, I would say it worth to pay!

4-3-12 Sakaemachi-dori Chuo-ku, Kobe
Near China town in Motomachi