

Coffee Sampler from Cocktail-do Coffee, Torano-mon Tokyo.

Since the first encounter of, so called, OLD COFFEE at CAFE DE L'MBRE, the endless adventure of OLD/AGED coffee began.
Cocktail-do is one of few old coffee speciality, which owns a stockhouse in Yamanashi prefecture for aging/roasting.

Unlike CAFE DE L'MBRE, Cocktail-do's "AGING" seems shorter according to web-site.
The beans are aged for "several 10-months", which, I assume, makes their coffee beans "daily-use-price".

Basic question: what is OLD COFFEE?
It will be up-dated in later articles...after I taste these beans :)


Gran Delval

Name: Gran Delval
Roaster: Tetsunori Todoroki, Todoroki Coffee
Roasting grade: Full City
Area of Production: Boquete, Republic of Panama
Variety: 100% Arabica

Rain forest alliance approved.

【Roaster's Comment】
Gran Delval is Characterized by Aroma of Almonds and Sweetness of Chocolates.

Large size beans!  Aromatic, sweet and nutty, and clean taste.  Light, clear body clean cup, very aromatic, sweet and sound, with good balance and medium acidity.


Brazil Daterra Estate RA

Name: Brazil  Daterra Estate
Roasting degree: Dark
Roaster: Todoroki Coffee
Area of production:
    Patrocínio, State of Minas Gerais (18°56′S 46°59′W)

Grade: N/A
Screen: 16~18up
Altitude: 1,000~1,100m
Processing: Pulped Natural, Sun&Machine Dry
Variety: Caturra,Bourbon,Achaia etc.

【Comment From Roaster】
This coffee is caracterized by full flavor and sweetness.
Dark roast is recommended.

This is THE Brazilian Coffee.  Aromatic, well balanced flavor with nutty sweetness as the base, medium & Mild body, silky smooth texture.   Sweetness with a touch of sourness and bitterness makes sensitive harmony,  sweetness stays longer as aftertaste.


Peru Organic

Beans: Peru Organic
Roasting degree: Semi-dark
Roaster: Todoroki Coffee
Production:  Cenfrocafe
Area of production: Cajamarca, Peru
Screen/Grade: N/A
Altitude: 1,500~2,000m
Processing: Washed, Sun-dry
Variety: Typica, Bourbon
Yr of cultivation: 2009/2010
Rainforest Alliance/Organic JAS Certified

Cenfrocafe is the cooperative formed by over 2,100 small suze coffee farmers and organizations.

【Comment from WEB】
Fruity, Full body with sweetness of berries often listed as an caracter of high-grown coffee.

Creamy texture, clear, light body, ripe Cassis like well-matured flavor with sharp aftertaste.  A touch of lemony sourness grows as second flavor.

Blewing with Coffee Press, taste gains little heavier flavor of Cacao beans, La Flora, Hyacinth like aroma.