
Mocca Queen ~ MOPLACO special blend

Beans: Mocca Queen
Roaster: Home roasitng 
Roasting Degree: Full City
Origin/Area: Ethiopia
Grade: G3
Screen: N/A
Defect: 28~45
Altitude: 1,700-2,000m
Variety: N/A
Process: Natural

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 3
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 4
※Grade 1 to 5

Medium, high tone, fragrant, chocolaty, lightly brandy, rummy, touch of vanilla, toasted coconuts, flowery, bright, elegant, almond flower, clean, medium body, clean mouth-feel, smooth, light in texture, juicy, highly well balanced sweetness, bitterness, and acidity, rich in flavor profile, syrupy sweetness, light tone, thin layered, mellow, clean bitterness, cacao nib as bottom note, millet, light molasses acidity, slightly tropic, fruity, jasmine like, no significant flavor but well held bottom sweetness, light clean acidity, flat but rich round sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.  Orange like flavor stays.

MOPLACO is one of the biggest coffee shipper in Ethiopia.  This Mocca Queen blend tastes "the Ethiopian" with typical Mocca flavor with clean mouth-feel and bright flowery acidity with mellow sweetness, lighter and more mild than Yirgacheffe Natural.  


Seven Stellas ~ Cup tasters blend

Beans: Seven Stellas
Roaster: Nama-mame Hompo
Roasting Degree: Full City
Origin/Area: Aceh and Lake Toba, 
                         Northen Sumatra, Indonesia
Grade: G1
Screen: N/A
Defect: None
Altitude: 1,000-1,300m
Variety: Typica, Catimor, Ateng
Process: Sumatran methods

【Flavor scale】
Aroma: 4
Sweetness: 4
Acidity: 2
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 4
※Grade 1 to 5
Bold, aromaful, high aroma, sweet, complex, musk like, jasmine, chocolaty, sugary, thick layer of aroma, heavy, touch of hay, sheer blackberry, a touch of fresh green, bold, creamy texture, well balanced bitterness, heavy but mellow bitterness, thick flavor, thin layers of sweetness and bitterness creating thick layer, dates sugar, dried longan fruits, cacao nib, orange skin, dark maple,  grape fruits like soothing acidity, mellow deep and complex sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.  

Shippers Blends of seven out standing farming communities in Ache and Lake Toba area.  The cup taster's concept was "impressive flavor in cleanness".  The organically rich soil fulfills and completes sweetness in beans and hold strong body.  Personally, would like to test cups to see how these seven villages differ in impression.