
Kaffa Blend

  Name: Caffa Blend
             Columbia base, with Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil
 Roaster: Coktail-do
 Roast level: City

【From Web】
 Mild and Rich Smooth aging coffee beans gives light bitter taste with a tip of sourness.


Layers of rich, mild taste with nuts like flavor.  Sourness cannot be detected, but well harmonized rich full flavor satisfies and entertains  coffee geek like me.
Prefer to have this as an afternoon cup, or early evening cup, but it will fit any time of the day!
This beans turns me into a huge fun of old coffee, even more!

Leche Honey

Beans: Leche Honey
Roasting degree: City
Roaster: Okazaki, Hiromasa (Nama-mame hompo)
Area of production: San Francisco de Heredia, Costa Rica
Grade: SHB
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,500~1,550m
Processing: Pulped Natural method
Variety: Catura
Yr of cultivation: 2010

【Comment From Web】
"LECHE" means "milk" in Spanish.  I tasted with doubt, however the cup gave me smooth and mild impression like milk.  I questioned, "Who has the best coffee beans?"  This beans are worth trying.

Very strange.... 
Smooth, light texture and flat flavor w/o sourness.
Among any impression given , "Strange" came up as first comment...Sorry.
This cup needs to be selected when you get tired of Coffee but do not feel like drinking tea, water or anything else.  I prefer not to introduce this as "COFFEE", even no wonder this is.

"Honey Coffee ", so called, gains its popularity and often shows up in cupping as well as COE.   Unfortunately, not good enough acknowledged, the world of HONEY coffee has turned as the wonderland.


Nama-mame Honpo

Coffee sampler from Nama-mame Honpo, Amagasaki-city, Hyogo.
Nama means Raw and Mame beans in Japanese.  As the name shows, this coffee beans shop sells variety of green beans from all over the world.  The owner is a J.C.Q.A certified coffee instructor, so any advices are available on home-roasting.

Roasted beans are also available on request.

Brasil, Guatemala, Tanzania and Costa Rica, Roasted on roaster's recommendation.