
Esmeralda gigante

Beans: Esmeralda Gigante 
Area:  Gigante, Huila
Country: Colombia

Roaster: Hiroshi Doi
               (Offered as Roaster's Selection in May, 2011
Roasting Degree: City

Aroma 3
Richness 5
Sourness 3
Bitterness 4
Sweetness 1
(Grade 0 to 5)

 Grown in Gigante, Huila, where is well known high quality coffee cultivation.
In this area, traditional cultivation has been carried by many micro farmers, planting various trees to harmonize with ecological scheme, using Banana trees for shade-grrown. 

Roasters Comment: 
Berry and citrus flavor.  Deep and well developed richness fully expresses Colombian uniqness and leaves calming and mild impression.
Airy and lightly roasted almonds like aroma.  Light to Medium flavor, light bitterness cored with sweetness and aroma of raspberry, bitterness as a long lasting aftertaste.  Bitterness and sweetness harmonized in the best balance, which adds richness in flavor/body.   
Compared to typical Colombian, in my standard of "typical", this beans leaves milder but richer impression in the mouth.  Well developed bitterness stays on the throat with very soft and gentle impression as well.

Paper/Hand brew and served w/o milk & sugar may allow to enjoy   the best flavor of Colombia coffee!!


Brazil Santos

 Beans: Brazil Santos #2
 Roaster: Cafe 【F】(effe)
 Roasting Degree: Medium #2 (City)
 Screen: 18up

Roaster's comment
Aroma-full and sweet, less bitterness and acidity.
Nutty and chocolaty full sweet flavor coffee.  
Select the best roasting degree to enhance character to create Light and colorful flavor. 


Sweet and clear aroma like anise enhanced  by nutty sweetness as roasted almonds, light to medium body, well balanced sweetness and sheer bitterness wraps around orange-lemon citrus acidity, bitter sweetness as long lasting aftertaste.
Savoy sweetness of toasted almond, dark date sugar, FORASTERO cacao flavor, brightness and clear taste, creamy body, toasted nuts like sweetness to finish, slightly tannic like nuts skin to undertone..
Clear and fine flavor, Best Morning starter! Good for morning cup w/o milk and sugar.  Fresh french style crispy sourdough bread may make nice combination in sunny morning.  


Spring rhapsody

Beans: Spring Rhapsody (Original Blend)
Roaster: Cafe F[effe]
Roasting degree: Medium #2

【Impression】 Medium body, citrus soothing aroma, smooth but light body, clear impression, airy texture, creamy sweetness as short-lasting aftertaste.  Well matured apricot like sweetness combines with dark chocolaty bitterness touches as initial flavor, lightly weighed soothing lemony acidity.  Sweetness swept away behind sourness once a cup chilled.     

Well-balanced Japanese style light roasted coffee, which may precise care over water temp. as well as skilled hand-brew technique to extract original flavor of this blend.  Sometimes, it is better to relay on high-tech automated coffee machines to brew coffee...

Best mach with hand brew with paper filter.


Cafe[e] ~ effe ~

Cafe[e] , pronounces cafe "effe", is located in Gifu, where people spend the most on cafe in Japan.  According to 2009 - 2010 Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry survey, Gifu prefecture ranks first on the list of the annual spending on Cafe per household.  There are about 3,300 cafe, in Japanese "Ki ssa ten", in Gifu prefecture and, especially in Gifu-city, people spend three times higher than the national average on cafe annually.  

Cafe[e], as a roaster as well as a cafe, runs a internet coffee bean shop, called "Coffee baka no Mise", which can be translated as "Coffee geeks shop".  Maybe, literally it is.  
The roaster has 3 different types of roasting machine: two of them are antique, classic roasters.  Unfortunately, those antique roasting machines are saved for higher priced products they sell, which does not apply to this try out package.  Aroma of coffee beans are always joyful and flavorful to content our feelings.  However, it does not guarantee the taste.  Take trial package to check whether or not the roasters technique & so on fulfills you, even the shop itself refer them as a coffee geek.  

Very personal opinion:  Sometimes wider bottom does prove excellent quality on top, but sometimes does not.