
Finca Casandra ~ Mexico

Name: Finca Casandra 
Roaster: Home roast
Roasting degree: City
Area: Huatulco, Veracruz, Mexico
Variety:  Catura, Catuai, Typica, Pacamara, 
Grade: SHG
Screen: N/A
Altitude: 1,250~1,400m
Defect: N/A
Processing Method:
  Fully Washed, Sun & Machine dry
Dark body, chocolaty, mild, soothing but mellow, well balanced sweetness, acidity and bitterness, light orangy sourness with honey sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.  

Unexpected flavor.  Mexican beans  always clean but less impressive, means often good for morning coffee, but this Casandra has stronger body profiled with well-balanced bitterness and sweetness.  It might be better to roast lighter than city to enjoy "green" flavor of this beans.

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