
South Minas Coopfam

Beans: South Minas Coopfam
Roasting degree: Full-city

Roaster: Coffee-ya Hot
Area of production: Poco Fundo, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Grade:N Y2/3
Screen: 1 4 up
Altitude: 7 00~ 1 ,200m
Defects: N/A
Processing: Natural, Machine/Sun-dry
Variety: Catuai, Mundo Novo
Yr of cultivation: 2009/2010.
FLO Fairtrade, AAO, Rain Forest Alliance certified

Medium to heavy body, clear aroma.  Light fine acidity of citrus, soothing but rich bitterness, dark caramel like sweetness as aftertaste.  Layers of bitterness and sweetness with lemony flavor on top.  Well-balanced, typical "BRAZILIAN" coffee flavor, but may good for espresso. 

Poco Fundo is a small village, about inhabitant of 18,000, located in a mountainous area of Minus Gerais where is one of original location of Brazilian coffee cultivation, blessed with beautiful woods and weather conditions.
COOPFAM is originally organized in 1991by small scale farmers of Poco Fundo to promote cooperation between them and to improve their own quality of life/products.   This organization produces about 12,000 bags per yr from 300,000 plants of Arabica trees.  Their products achieved the first prize in Brazilian Fair Trade Coffee Cupping cometition of 2008, and which has added higher value to their coffee beans ever since.
Originally, this cooperative is formed from collective desire of small sized farmers to improve the living standard of farmers and to reduce poverty and emigration, and now they are succeeded not only to achieve their first objectives but also to increase the productivity as well as to sustain the quality of family-oriented agriculture in the region.

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