
Mandheling Sirisi

Beans: Mandheling Sirisi
Roaster: Nama-mame hompo
Origin/Area: Lington area, Indonesia
Altitude: 1,650m
Variety: Tipica, Catimor, Bourbon
Process: Giling Basah, Sun-dry
Grade: SG
Screen: 16/17
Crop: 2009/2010
Roasting Grade: Full City

Sirisi-Risi, Batak’s village, is located 5km east of Lington Nihuta, where produces the highest quality of Mandheling in Southern area of Lake Toba.  Located at 1650m in altitude, near-equatorial, whether is moderate and inhabitant are gentle as Shangri-la.  Pealed with a wooden pulper, parchments are fermented for 10 – 12 hrs and sun dried to 12% of moisture level.
Parchments are screened, processed and hand-picked by commercial manufacturers/traders, then shipped to the other countries.  Smooth, velvety and clear taste is valuable and very rarely achieved in recent years.

This Mandheling has changed image of "Mandheling" with taste I have never tasted.

Extremely clear and light body, fine texture.  "Is this really Mandheling?", questioned at first.  Unlike usual Mandheling, fruity aroma, Green apple and Nectarines mixed, well harmonized bitterness, acidity and sweetness but light flavor with clear aftertaste disappears in a moment.  Cooling and light flavor, uniquely given to this Mandheling.  This beans indirectly proves roasting grade is not only factor to settle darkness of coffee brewed.  

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