
OKINO Coffee roaster

Talking about Organic coffee, here is the leading person having been working with organically grown coffee beans for over 30yrs.  
Mr. Hiroshi Okino, the founder/owner of OKINO Coffee, triggered to push "organically-grown coffee" in the wold coffee market.  It was very natural for him to come down to "organically-grown" in quest of delicious coffee.  "To be honest, it does not matter whether or not the beans are grown organically" said Mr. Okino.
To prevent misunderstanding, every single movement he makes is based on firm belief of "continuity": continuity in farm, continuity in human health, continuity in environment, continuity in economic activity, continuity in social activity and so on...
It is natural for him to consider farmers' future.  It is natural for him to trade the beans with "de jure" value.  "Fair Trade" wraps up truth sometimes and so does "Organic".  Mr. Okino made great contribution to establish/to expand Japanese organic standard, Organic JAS, but his interest is not there. 

 He is there to prove how beautiful and flavorful coffee is.  As a part of Mr. Okino's journey, Quality Assurance has been his theme from the beginning.  
He defined "Quality" as follows: "quality means sustainability in human health, nature, social activity, economic activity, farming..........".  Quality means continuity.  Quality means sustainability.   
If all of us focus on "sustainability" as our business/life activity  seriously, the way of our thinking may change dramatically to bring revolution of our lifestyle.

Nowadays, we find series of certification to assist "sustainability", Rain forest alliance, Fair Trade for example.  It is time for us to develop them more truthful and meaningful certifications to become "de facto" standard for our life.


Blue Batak

Beans: Sumatra Mandheling - "Blue Batak" ~ Micro lot
Raster: Akai-mi Coffee
Region: Dolok Sanggul, Lake Toba Region, Sumatra, Indonesia 

Altitude: 1,350-1,550m
Varietal: Arabica
Screen: 17 up (90%)
Grade: SG
Processing: Sumatra traditional Method

【Flavor scale】
Body: 5
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 4
Aroma: 4
Acidity: 4
Sweetness: 4   ※Grade 1 to 5
Medium body, clear and smooth body, citric lemony aroma with mixed herbal aroma of lemon glass, marjoram and oregano, clean but rich, clear fruity sweetness of mango, fresh maple syrup, a touch of lime, bitterness of cacao, tangy bitterness hidden, depth in flavor, multiple layers of bitterness and sweetness, a very long lasting aftertaste of clear and juicy sweetness.

Some of Sumatra Mandheling's uniqueness has been replaced by clear and clean soothing flavor profiles.  Unlike usual  Mandheling, this lot has mild and delicate flavor to enhance/support richness in flavor.  These Beans has longer figure, similar to "Paca-mara" rather than "long berry"; however, flavor profile may be categorized to long berry with its chocolaty boldness.   


Kenya Gakuyuini

Beans: Gakuyuini Coop, Micro lot
Roaster: Akai-mi Coffee
Roasting degree: Medium
Area: Kiringa, Kenya
Altitude: 1,570m
Varieties: SL28、SL34
Screen: 18 up
Grade: N/A
Processing: Fully Washed

【Flavor scale】
Body: 5
Bitterness: 4
Richness: 4
Aroma: 5
Acidity: 4
Sweetness: 5
※Grade 1 to 5
Medium to medium dark, clean body, mellow, orange like sweet and fruity aroma, mix of tangerines and California orange with a touch of almond, mild bitterness as dark chocolate, high percentage cacao contained chocolate, citric acidity hidden, clean, soothing flavor, slightly different degree of bitterness as thinly layered, juicy sweetness hidden, syrupy sweetness with a scent of bitterness as a long lasting aftertaste.

High quality dark chocolate like flavor satisfies craving for sweets in the afternoon!  This flavor maximize when it's served without Milk and Sugar at first. 

Unlike other Kenyan beans, this Gakuyuini lot has clean and less tangy bitterness: less "spicy" and "earthy".  Fruity and Juicy orange/tangerine like citric sweet aroma associates with Caribbean roots rather than African.    Although tidbit of profiles separates Gakuyuini from Kenyan origin character, a general flavor impression still carries African flavor intensity as well as "earthiness" within its sensitive/clean flavor.


Akai-mi's Specialty

From left to right: Mandheling, Kenya, India

On one winter day, Akai-mi coffee adds India for a new selection 
and has chosen this India as a  base flavor for Winter Special Blend.  
Together with India, Mandheling and earthy Kenya are on today's choice.

Bold flavor fits and comforts Cold winter morning.
As Dark chocolate like heavy/rich flavor brings happiness, 
Bold flavor of coffee brightens.spot-lights a coffee break in winter.

Each season brings happiness, 
Each season has its best fit flavor!


Autumn Special Blend 2012

Roaster: Akai-mi Coffee
Beans: Special Seasonal Blend 

Medium body, citrus mixed with ripe apricot like sweet aroma, light texture, juicy, mellow, moderate, organdie like transparent light layer of flavor enfolding, plums like fruity mass and thick sweetness, slightly tangy at the end, no outstanding acidity, tender texture of sweetness as an aftertaste.  
This light and pure flavor may stand out without sugar/milk.  

【Seasonal Blend】
Akaimi coffee's seasonal blends has wide variety.  Since Coffee is agricultural products, flavor varies and so does amount of crop.  Owner, Roaster/blender, of Akaimi coffee enjoys to create unique seasonal special blend with "this years" crop so that origin and percentages vary every year.  
Seasonal Blend is always challenge.
There is always wonderful harmony created by each seasons' offerings. 

Autumn Blend is offered sometimes in the end of September to November.  In 2012, Autumn was on still on selection in the very first week of December.


Winter Special Blend 2012

Roaster: Akai-mi Coffee
Beans: Special Seasonal Blend 

Medium body, fruity aroma of apricots and plums mixed with almond's flower, weightless texture, smooth, crisp, wide range of mellow and juicy sweetness, mix of hazelnuts and cashew nuts, light touch of limes hidden, nutty bitterness as accent, juicy sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.

Special blends shares refreshing taste and a clean after taste based on seasonal impression as an accent. In 2012's Special winter blend,  India  creates core flavor: juicy and sweet.
Fruity flavor is well harmonized with bitterness and a tint of acidity.  After mix is now standard of independent roasters like Akai-mi coffee, since each origin/variety has its "best" roasting degree.

Blending means experiment.  House blend ensures stability in taste, requires blender's sense of taste; whereas, Special blends challenge tasters' palate.  


Seasonal Special Blend 2012

Glad to stop by at Akai-mi coffee, Osaka.

Akai-mi coffee offers seasonal special blend created by beans arriving seasonally.
Not to mention that coffee cherries are "the agricultural product" whose quality/amount of cultivation certainly vary by climates and other factors.  
Flavor varies, of course.  

Here are seasonal blend of Autumn and Winter.

This year, Autumn offered through Beginning of December.
Offering duration varies by year, so break the ice by asking him about seasonal blends.       


Caplami Longberry

Beans: Cameroon Caplami long berry
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto
Roasting Degree: Medium 

Region: West Highlands, Cameroon
           Caplami Co-op
Altitude : 750 –1500m
Processing: Semi-washed Process
Varietal: Longberry, JAVA

Medium to dark, nutty and lemon oil like citric aroma, mild, high body, clear, light texture, bold, rustic sweetness, dimensional flavor combination of sweetness as morasses and bitterness as dark chocolate, depth in flavor, bright acidity hidden underneath of sweetness and bitterness, spicy as hint of nutmeg, earthy, juicy sweetness as long lasting aftertaste.
Basic attributes resembles to Indonesian coffee, in aspects of earthiness, sweetness and flavor depth, but has distinct difference in aftertaste.  

Caplami Longberry has an unusual seed shape resembles to Ethiopian Harrar Longberry.  As berries are, the tree has a bit odd shape with similarity to Geisha form.  JAVA is used to specify dark, bold type coffee, which is originally the name specially given to Tipica varietal brought to Indonesia and other by Dutch in 17th century.  History of global coffee markets somewhat relates to colonialization, which must be stored in our mind.  In the States, Java can be mean "Coffee". 


Papua New Guinea Sigri Peaberry

Beans: Sigri Peaberry
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto
Estate: Sigri Estate
Origin: Wahgi Valley, Western Highlands Province,
           Papua New Guinea

Varietal: Arabica, Kent
Altitude: 1500~2000m
Processing method: Washed, sun dried

Mid body, mild, spicy and fruity aroma as freshly picked fig, light touch, citric cent, watery texture, smooth sweetness, flat layers of sweetness, a very thin layer of bitterness hidden, juicy, sweetness oriented, a long lasting aftertaste with sweetness. 
Very gentle, sophisticated flavor.

Established in the 1950s, Sigri Estate is recognized as one of the world best estate to produce gourmet coffee.  This estate has rapidly grown through especially COE, Cup of Excellence, gains high reputation.
In Sigri Estate, only fully ripe cherries are hand-picked and checked uniformity.  These cherries are pulped on the same day followed by 3 days fermentation process.  Washed every 24hrs, cherries are sun-dried.  Quality control begins in the field. 


Panama Pea Berry

Beans: Panama Pea Berry
Roasting Degree: Medium ~ Medium dark
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto

Medium, creamy texture, mellow, nutty & honey aroma, sweet aroma as freshly baked butter milk cookies, juicy sweetness as roasted almonds and cashews, goose berries,  deep sweetness balloons, broad-brushed bitterness, succulent flavor, growing sweetness as a long lasting aftertaste.  
Well harmonized and good value.  Flavor and aroma fully express "Pea Berries".  
There are many popular/well-known coffee roasters in Kyoto, but, somehow, a small local roaster  gleams richly with higher achievements.  "Because roasting is my enjoyments", the roster said.  Roasting machines may have "appropriate amount" not only per batch but per day.  Certainly, human ability, such as five senses and concentration, has the peak curve.  
With space limitation, maybe a small hobby like local roaster carries higher ability to amuse and to entertain coffee lover's mind.        


Sinzan honey

Beans: Bali Sinzan Honey
Roaster: Million Coffee, Kyoto
Roasting Degree: Medium 
Varietal: Paca-Mara

Medium to Dark, velvety, floral aroma with freshly roasted almonds, mellow but bold, well matured, fullness, round, flavorful, nutty, juicy sweetness, fruity  as vermouth cassis, sterically-constricted, thick, full layered sweetness, thin layer of lemony acidity sandwiched, soothing bitterness as bottom, long lasting sweetness as aftertaste.

Creamy sweets such as zuccotto, Italian sweets made of round sponge cake with chocolate, cream, and candied fruit. 

Bali Sinzan is one of well-known honey processed beans.  Honey process (Café Miel) is now widely known and applied in Central America, such as Costa Rica and Nicaragua, but relatively new term describing beans dried with "honey",  a fruit pulp, cling to coffee beans, which profoundly impacts cup character.  This process, somewhat, similar to, or may be "compromise" between, both the natural processing method and the wet method.
Honey process Flavor of honey processed coffee is often diagnosed as "DEEPLY SWEET" and "FULLY MATURED"; however, this character may be derived from full-ripe coffee beans. Compared to wet process, the honey were rounder in acidity, with less citric brightness.
Lately there are wide variation among Honey processing method through adopting mechanical demucilagers, machines replace manual labor of "ferment and wash".  Does this implication changes flavor?  To be honest, it is difficult to tell.  Flavor of green coffee beans varies also by drying methods.  Honey process itself has growing, developing and expanding.  I assume there are only one indication: Try traditionally processed "honey coffee" and see whether or not flavor fit you.       


Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Co

Along Pacific Av., there is a local American coffee roaster called Santa Cruz Coffee roasting Co. 
Opened in 1978, Santa Cruz Coffee roasting Co. has been dedicated to improve American coffee culture through artisanal sourcing, roasting, and blending of coffee beans.  Is it adequate to call this roaster "the second waver"?  Might be, "YES".  There is no proof but it is difficult to ignore influence of Peet's Coffee & Tea, opened in Berkeley in earlier 60's, over Santa Cruz.  On their website, Santa Cruz coffee roasting Co. states their mission in 70's was to "educate public" about varieties and qualities of coffee from all over the world.  

In 2010's, focus of coffee markets has moved country to estate, "Finca".  COE has accelerated this trend and popularized the concept of "single origin" and "micro-lot".  Santa Cruz Coffee roasting Co. seems to move along with this market shift in terms of coffee beans, although roasting still stays in the second waver's value.  

Pacific Ave. presents a chronological table with flavors: there are Peet's, Starbucks, Santa Cruz Coffee roasting Co, and Verve.  Downtown Santa Cruz is small in size but filled with fun for coffee lovers.  Enjoy a old good American coffee here and a new wave, selected single estate flavors at Verve.   


Rustic Bakery

"Rustic Bakery is a wonderful breakfast place in Marin Country", said friend of mine.

With cozy and small sized "family own" outlook,  Rustic Bakery serves flavorful  and high quality homemade pancakes, granola, etc.  Their lunch time offer are fantastic as well: a bowl of soup, salads and sandwiches, which are all homemade.
To be patient if you want to dine in.  There is always a long line in/out this bakery everyday. Around 2:00pm, Wednesday, we were at the end of long line and found no seat available.

Having been the center of organic/local movement, Marin County has keen insight on food tends/movements as well as access to high quality ingredients.  High percentage of flavor is constructed by quality of ingredients.  Maybe, the owner of Rustic Bakery knows this simple formula.  Flavor of wheat, butter and sugar.  There are only three key factors harmonize with bakers skill, and this place have them all. 


Mission possible? ~ State Bird Provisions

"Five months, or a long line."
Dining in State Bird Provisions now is one of the most difficult mission to complete.  
Call for reservation five months, at least three months, in advance if you deserve to dine in.  Without reservation, stay in line in front of the door before 5:30pm.  There is few table available for walk in everyday so that, if you are lucky, there is a table for you.

State Bird Provisions is located on Fillmore and Grary Bv., this "tablie" introduces Chinese yum cha (dim sum) serving style with multinational, fusion, foods.
This tablie has a menu, but there are more "off menu" dishes.  Variety of little dishes rounds on a wagon or tray, many of them are made out of "on market today".  A wagon stops at every table and explains dishes, so there are no needs for the written menu.   

There are many dishes with Kimuchi, Korean pickles.  There are many dishes inspired by Asia.
All we tasted had a bit extra salt which accelerates liquor consumption, so with a glass, maybe a bottle, of wine, dishes will give more enjoyment.

State Bird Provisions is the place for night-out.
Good for dating if you do not mind noise around. 



Big name is here in San Francisco!
INTELLIGENTSIA has been distributing their product in greater Sun Francisco area through their business partner, but now opens their "base", own roasting station, on Mariposa, San Francisco.
Based on Chicago, Intelligentsia is well known, one of the top three big name of, third wave coffee roaster in the States.  It is not too much to say that "Their passion in coffee roasting has started and boost the Third Wave movement" together with Stumptown Coffee Roasters and Counter Culture Coffee.
As one of the leading center, San Francisco's Coffee market is highly diverse.  Regarding the aspect of roasting, there are a wide range of techniques to express single origin flavors.  Ritual coffee roasters and Sightglass Coffee Bar & Roastery emphasize "flavor/uniqueness of specialty beans" with light roast, which is often poorly described in one word, "Scandinavian Style".  Blue Bottle coffee emphasizes balance between roasting and beans' flavor, when Four Barrel focus more on roasting technique to enhance beans' flavor.  Referring the fact that there are a large number of roasters flowering here in SF area, there is a question: "Why big name like INTELLIGENTSIA opens the factory now?"  Coffee market here is highly competitive as well as exclusive to non-locals.  Let us see how this factory survive here, one of the most competitive foodie town.


Roaster in Dream: Cafe Vita

Do you have a coffee roaster dreamed to visit?

I do: Caffé Vita in Seattle.

Seattle is well known as "the World Coffee Center".  Not only mega-chains such as Starbucks, Tully's and Seattle's Best,  but also independent coffeehouses & roasters do establish and deepen coffee culture in Seattle.  Among all the independent roasters/coffeehouses,  Caffé Vita coffee roasting Co. has been leading Seattle's coffee culture as the ARTISAN coffee roaster since 1995.  This brief history of Caffé Vita reminds me of Blue Bottle Coffee in San Francisco.  

History of Blue Bottle Coffee begins in Oakland.  Blue Bottle has grown and been growing one of the leading ARTISAN coffee roaster in/out of greater San Francisco, the epicenter of slow food movements.  
San Francisco appreciates high quality of foods and Seattle high quality of coffee.  Both city has the base to grow and to support genuine artisan foods. 

Based in San Francisco area, Seattle, somewhat, does not appeal so much; however, the name "Caffé Vita" has printed on my brain as a place to visit.  The deeper I dive in coffee world, the more I deserve to visit this roaster.  It is maybe because of my trusted "coffee mentor", Jay, loves and recommends this roster, but, I think, that is not only reason. 
Caffé Vita's clown like symbol fascinates me more and more, deeper and deeper, enchanting me whit fragrant aroma with beautifully done roasting.    



Blue Bottle @ Heath Ceramic

There is newly opened Blue Bottle Cafe at Heath Ceramic on 18th Street in the urban core of San Francisco.

On 18th and Florida St., newly opened Heath's retail shop has wider variety of their products, including tiles, than one at Ferry Building.  Heath Ceramic announced that on-site tail making will start by early 2013, so that visitors have more enjoyment there together with a nice cup of coffee.

Located in the middle of factories, it seems most of parking space are taken by their workers and few space available for visitors.  Blue Bottle here appears to me a worksite cafeteria for Heath and people working around.  So far, this Blue Bottle is not identifiable; however, it has high possibility to be something special.  A friend of mine is trying to apply new hand brewing method here, very unique and no one has done in SF coffee community.  This site has high possibility to be "the signature" and open a new stage for Blue Bottle's history.    


Four Barrel Coffee: Time to roast!

Just in case, if you do not know...
Four Barrel Coffee 
The Coffee Roaster. 

Here is a little entertainment while waiting for a order to come.
Four Barrel has their roasting factory at the back of the cafe.  This "Bottega", if appropriate to call so, is widely open to entertain sensory cortex; olfactory perception, visual perception and auditory perception.  

There is a bar, a narrow, long, waist-high table, facing roasting machines, which may be highly attractive and adsorptive for coffee "geeks" like me.  

Opening up a coffee roasting factory is somewhat brave step to take.  
Certainly this opens to authorized people only; however, the space is filled sounds and aroma rising from roasting machines as well as  jute bags filled with green beans, which have names on.

Stay at the bar whole day watching the factory may allow us to lead the mind to imagine "SECRET" of Four Barrel coffee...maybe, after a year spending there.

Enjoy the factory while waiting and having your cup.   


Four Barrel Coffee

Home coming Coffee time !

As usual, there are a long line and no empty seat&table around 10am..

Well, it is very understandable.

Four barrel serves the best cafe latte among the third wavers in SF/South bay, as far as I know.  Although there are the brew bars offering various specialty coffees, often called "hand crafted coffee" now, espresso is the way to enjoy "Four barrel" the most.

Here is the best barista!
The best cup of latte satisfies you when you see him in front of espresso machine.

According to my friend, he won the first place twice in United States Barista Championship, former known as the North American Barista Competition.

Does this matter?
Actually, I would say "NO".

"How may cups do you serve a day?", we asked.
"Well, I don't know.  I cannot count.", he replays instantly.

Making hundreds of espresso drinks everyday, his skill improves cup by cup, maybe second by second.  Nothing can teach more than experience, especially meister job like this.   

Amazingly, a cup of cafe latte, actually soy latte, kept its silky foam, over an hour, to the last sip!!  Cafe Latte means "Mariage of strong, flavorful espresso with fluffy, silky foamed milk"; not espresso poured in milk.

There are hundreds of cafe's here in San Francisco Bay Area.  Many coffee lovers enjoy, some may visit to enjoy, edgy coffee drinks from various cafes/roasters such as Blue Bottle, Sightglass and do on.  If  Four barrel sounds new to you, keep this name on the top of your list. Try espresso drink when He is in front of the machine.

Beautiful Hand brew Bar by the entrance
Various beans to pick of

Ritual Roaster @ Hayes Valley

Ritual Coffee Roaster KIOSK @ Hayes Valley

On one sunny afternoon, the outside coffee stand allow you to breath.  Ritual Kiosk stands back to back with a delicious ice-creamer, .Smitten Ice Cream.  

Lucky enough for Smitten Ice Cream?
Lucky enough for Ritual?   

Well, take a cup and make a guess.

At Proxy
432b Octavia St
San Francisco, CA 94102
415.865.0989 Phone
Every day: 7am - 7pm